White "gel" stuck on to my chicken's butt? Please help! Emergency!

She just suddenly laid down and than got up again (no more than 20 sec in this process) like nothing happened. Any guess why?
Ps I just accidentally caught her blinking. She was not trying to sleep.
we already have a card board mat that usually helps her when she’s outside. I have given her calcium and some cephalexin today already, she seems to be doing better and has been eating and drinking more on her own. I took her out for some fresh air and she wouldn’t stop eating grass. One of her poops is starting to look more firm and normal again, while the others are still pretty watery. Thanks for all the help! Will keep this updated.
The antibiotics could be affecting the smell, color, and wateriness, of her pooh some too. If she's doing better, then you're on the right path. Yes, let her eat, and drink as much as she will, on her own.

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