White Layer Duck unable to use her legs

She didn't need anything further this night. She was sleeping like a duckling in her hay-filled plastic container on out patio, even laid an egg for us! Then at 8am started quacking with her deep voice and wanted out.
I used the last triple antibiotics ointment on her three bumbles, she had some glucose-water soaked meal-worms and then we (the duck and i) released the other ducks, boy were they looking surprised… :lau
Need to stock up on bumble-foot treatment stuff today (Ointment, tape) and then it's foot-control weekend. I grabbed one of the other white layers and she has a tiny scab too.
Checking 48 duck feet will be fun!
Do not give her acetominophen, tylenol or paracetamol. It is toxic to chickens, cats, and some others. You may give aspirin 81 mg twice a day safely, or put 325 mg in 8 ounces (240ml) of water. Glad the soak helped her. Hopefully, you will figure out what is going on. Pictures of ber bumblefoot may be helpful. Hopefully, some other duck people will chime in. @WVduckchick and others may help.
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol, Tylenol) is not toxic to ducks! - Of course dumping a Tylenol 500 into a tiny duck isn't good, but a low dose is fine for them. Limpy Duck had to swallow a couple of them last year when he had a botulism infection.
Good find (new bookmark!), but:
Acetaminophen medication manufactured by the pharmaceutical Aria (Tehran, Iran) with a dose 650 mg per kg of live weight of chickens were used for 7 days.
I personally would not take Acetaminophen for more than 3 days! It is well known, that permanent (ab)use of Paracetamol will lead to liver damage in us humons.
The problem with Acetaminophen is that it is commonly known as a pain-killer, and used as one. It suppresses pain indeed, but Aspirin, Ibuprofen and Naproxen do a much better job. Acetaminophen is, however, very good in tweaking with the bodies thermostat and and is very successful in fighting high fever.
A one-time dose of a Tylenol for children (100mg dose) won't cause liver damage, but can safe a bird's life in case of a severe fever-attack. I had a fever-cramping ducks yesterday, ducks and water go very well together, had that been a chicken, i don't know? - Can you soak a chicken in water? Or would it simply get a heart-attack? - I know chickens are afraid of water when it is deeper than their ankles.
With all stuff: The dosage makes it a cure or a poison.
A quick question from a "newbie" (@happy duck , @WVduckchick @Miss Lydia):
How do you treat bumble-foot if the duck is stubborn as a donkey and won't cooperate under no circumstances?
I tried to soak her feet in Epsom salt/Iodine water, now i look like i didn't made it to the bathroom in time...
She was much easier to handle during her fever!
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