White Orpingtons

Wonderful for you Harry, Now come and share and post some pictures of those birds. Good luck on your start in whites.
Hey Tim, the dominant white gene is know as the leaky white right...Which i know i have both types here in my araucana, i believe the recessive type doesn't allow any color leakage and the dominant white does..
Ive read else where, that birds can carry both white genes as well. I quess if a bird had both genes that would be tough to figure out???

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Can someone explain this, How could a bird carry both the dominant and recessive white genes?
If they have both would not that make the bird a recessive?

Sure hope Shaffer posts the pics soon. The pair you have Shaffer are they dominent or recessive?
OK, for all of you who don't understand what BUSY means here is a picture of my cockerel. HS

Picture removed: Not good ethics to show birds that I have bought.
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Nice bird Harry. He is really impressive!!
He should be one big boy when he matures fully.
Welcome Jaboo!!! What a wonderful way to introduce yourself!!! Please, PLEASE show more photos of your birds! We can't get enough of those european chickens... post pics of your friends birds too. We don't care whose bird it is, we just want a peek... Thanks for sharing.

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