White Rock or Leghorn??

Thanks everyone! I'm very disappointed with the local farm I ordered from. Emailed and called several days ago with no reply. I really wanted White Plymouth Rocks but these do seem to be leghorns. Their bodies seem trimmer and taller than I expected from a white rock. And yes, the earlobes do look white for sure.

My next question is about leghorns. I have these chickens in a medium sized backyard with kids. How do they do with other chicken breeds, I have Buff orpingtons. How is their friendliness? Also, will they be resilient this winter. I'm in the Chattanooga area.
One more thing.... Their legs and beaks are very white compared to other leghorns I've seen.
Ours aren't mean to the kids. One decided she's a puppy recently, lol. She follows the kids around, stays underfoot and tries to get food out of us. She's the first to come running when she sees our vehicle to see what we've got too! The other four will come see if they think the kids have anything but run away pretty quickly.

Ours are older than the other chickens we have by a couple of months. Most try to scare the smaller away from food and at first introduction were kind of...not the nicest, but tolerate each other now. They didn't hurt the little ones much or anything, more shoving them out of the way and a few pecks without yanking feathers or drawing blood.

Were a few hundred miles north of TN, it was barely over freezing last night and they happily ran out this morning with slight frost outside to go forage.

Hope this helps some!
Thanks everyone! I'm very disappointed with the local farm I ordered from. Emailed and called several days ago with no reply. I really wanted White Plymouth Rocks but these do seem to be leghorns. Their bodies seem trimmer and taller than I expected from a white rock. And yes, the earlobes do look white for sure.

My next question is about leghorns. I have these chickens in a medium sized backyard with kids. How do they do with other chicken breeds, I have Buff orpingtons. How is their friendliness? Also, will they be resilient this winter. I'm in the Chattanooga area.

Leghorns usually get along well with other chickens. However, they are rather flighty around humans unless handled a lot at an early age. They are by no means aggressive, but they are not lap-chickens and prefer not to be touched or cuddled. As for cold-hardiness, I don't have much experience with them, so I don't know for sure. But I suspect that their larger single-combs could be susceptible to frostbite in bitterly cold conditions.

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