White Silkie Eggs 8+ to ship Monday 25 dollars SOLD


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
Includes shipping. Paypal only. Send to [email protected] First one to post sold gets them. I can post picutures of parents if needed or you can look at my birds on my Website.
Decided to post a pic of parents


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The middle hen in the second picture looks just like my Elvis!! LOL!
Me too... I have two full incubators, and no room for more. But I have been eyeing your babies for the spring...

(shhhhh.... don't tell hubby!)
Nivtup, thank you. Will mail on Monday.

If they keep laying I will have more to offer in the next few weeks so keeep and eye you silkie lovers.
Very beautiful! Are you going to be able to bring me some babies and/or older birds in October?? Let me know. I am very excited!

Marie, I have some white chicks due to hatch next weekend and i have a few buff silkies with the hens. I have to watch them. I have lost a few due to them getting left behind. I sold a 8 of those that hatched. If I don't have any buffs which I shoud if these four continue to do well I will try and bring eggs. My blues have been setting forever. Ihope they hatch and get off the nest. I do have four Splash chicks too. How many chicks do you want?
You can email me if you prefer. I need several of each color if you have that many. Depends on the price though, lol. My daughter is getting married Sat. and boy am I broke. But seriously, I would love to have several of each color but most importantly the blue/black/splash and the white and buff if you have it. Ok? Email me with pricing info etc.



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