White Silkie pullet did it SHOW Pics added pg 5

So THATS what Steve Wheat looks like! LOL I've talked to Steve via email for MONTHS now and Have never seen him. I haven't a clue why, but I had pictured him as an older, grey haired man, who wore dickeys coveralls.... I've got an imagination sometimes, I tell ya what!

Steve is our Alabama State Rep!
COngrats! I am anxiously waiting for spring so I can get eggs from you!!!
Thanks all. I hope to be supplying all that want some wwith white silkie eggs.
Can you believe that picture. I swear I didn't know i looked that Fat. Jaynie was not Fat and she looks a little heavy there.
Must go on Diet.
Aww congrats Julie, I defenatly would love a couple white eggs when my order is put together later, to put with my handsome boy.

Yall look like your having a blast, we are going to try hard to get a group picture at the Stockton CA show we go to here in a couple months.
Cant wait!!
Here are some pics Steve Wheat made for me at the show.

This was second judging

Here is a ticket from the other round of judges.


I can't tell from the side if this is the Cockerel that got RV is the second round of judging or His daddy snowball. Just guessing I think it is snowball.

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Shipped your eggs out this morning Paula. The other three pullets in with cockerel look almost as good as the one that won.. Their crest are just a smidgen smaller. You might have to measure one.
Good to know. Thanks Julie. I know they'll be beautiful. I lost my only white roo a few days ago, so hopefully I'll get another to take his place. Oh, and I should have some Sizzle eggs coming too from jimnjay. I needed something else to put in the bator with your eggs. Can't be having all that wasted space, now can I?


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