White silkie with black feathers? (with pics)

I thought you were a she . . . . and almost put she several times but didn't want to insult anyone

And I think she said from Estes Hatchery.

Do you think it looks painted sonoran?
Yep, I said Estes Hatchery. They only do "assorted Bantams" and I asked if I could just get 2 silkies. They complied with this one that started out all white, and one that passed away in shipping that looked like a blue silkie.

By the way, I'm a "he".
Very unusual. Does look like paint. Just wish you had the formula. Doesn't look to bad for a hatchery bird either.
Here are some new photos of our cutie. Just to let you know the little bit of red on her is dirt. Thats what we get for living in Northern AZ.




Hrm . . . I think she might look a little more splash there, but sure is a lovely baby !!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep us posted on her
what an adorable cutie ya got there!!
from what i can see of it's feet nice foot feathering specially for a hatchery bird. i'd love to see pics of it after it finishes moulting, i bet it will be beautiful when grown.

from what i can tell it looks like either a washed out splash color (from over breeding to much splash) or possible from a mixed flock( white cross blue or white cross splash ect). both r very possible with hatchery stock because they r bred for quanity not quality. to be honest it looks splash to me. it doesn't look splashed through out whole bird like it should though. ur pics seam to show it mostly on the wings and little in tail the rest looks white to me. whites should be solid white no added colors.

here is some pics of my girls to see color difference ur's looks kinda in the middle of them with the color of it, almost like a cross of the 2 colors. paint should be white with defined spots almost dalmation looking where as splash should be splashes of different shades thrown together all over whole bird for lack of better words. i agree with what Sonoran Silkies said about paints also.

i need to take more pics of my splash girls but hope these help ya.

splash pullet

splash hens


white hen

splash sizzle pullet

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