White Sport Cream Legbars


Has anyone bred white CL to white CL? What were the hatch rates? Whether there is a lethal gene or not is kind of important.

Tadkerson, what do you mean by synthesizing? Did you cross breed? The white sport CLs that we're talking about are purebred Cream legbars, they just have that recessive white gene.

Mahalo, Puhi

I made the birds from crossing white leghorns, easter eggers and german spitzauben. My point is that I can make birds that look like a white legbar that are not from legbar. The autosexing down is a characteristic of legbar and not the bird I produced.

Quote: There are some folks that have had them for a bit so it would be nice if they chimed in but I only have a young trio so I cannot speak to any of that. I think Auto-sexing white, blue egg layers would be a nice breed to propagate. I think Tim has a good point if it ever came down to that.
okay. I have read this thread and I wonder if the auto sexing of the down is the lethal gene? after all isn't white normally not sexing?
I would think the barring gene still works despite the recessive white and don't see why it would be lethal but I am too new to all this to know anything really. The white is not based on a dominant gene so all the other genes are still there, maybe they just lack the gold- silver allele I would guess... and guess I am doing . We need a geneticist here. I have a hard time with the lethal combo idea.... just makes no sense to my uninformed mindset.
We are only speculating about the lethal gene. A few breeders had mentioned that white on white eggs did not hatch, even after developing right up to lock down.

We do know Araucanas have a lethal gene linked to their tufts. Araucanas are one of the breeds used to develope CCL.

There are dog breeds and horse breeds that have lethal color genes.......

We are all hoping there is some other reason those eggs did not hatch!!
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Here are some postings from before:

Yes, the white sports are the result of the recessive white gene that used the genetic symbol [c]. A white Legbar could also be created using the dominant white gene that has the genetic symbol , but that would require them being crossed with a white breed to introduce the dominant white gene.

When creating white varrieties they are often build starting with a blakc bird and adding, dominant white, recessive white, self blue, barring and other diluters so that there is no leakage of black color anywhere on the bird.

The Cream Legbar have White Leghorns in its creation and the North American lines possibly have White Leghorns out crosses in thier line too. Many of the White Leghorn lines are build with multiple dilutors. The dominate white from any such outcross or from the origins of the breed is easily breed out, but the recessive white can be passsed from generationt o generation with out ever showing up. If you assume that one in 10 Cream Legbars in the US have the recessive white gene is is easy to see how you would have a 90% chance of selecting a cockerel that doesn't have it. In so doing you may have 2-3 hens that have the gene and pass it to the next generation with out any offspring ever showing white. Eventually one of the offspring with the gene could be stelected as the breedin cockerel and if 1-2 hens in his flock also have the gene then you will start to see the white gene offspring to come out.

I have heard one person say that blue eggs seems to be linked with the white gene. I haven't seen anything to confrim that claim, but someone on this thread may have looking into that.

White the recessive white is not a leathal gene, I know that some people are haveing a hard time breeding the White Legbars in the US. Again I am sure that people who have worked on the white Legbars will be able to prive their insight.

Mahalo Gary for your knowledge. Assuming it is possible to also have a male white lgbar, If you breed a white male legbar to a white female legbar, all of their offspring will be white legbars, right? That might be interesting.

kden, Puhi

Correct. White to white will product 100% white offspring. I know a few people are working on a white Legbar variety, but are struggling with vigor in their white to white pairings.
Struggling with vigor?? Does this mean before the chicks hatch........ Or someone has hatched White Sports from 2 white parents that lacked vigor?

Does any one know of someone who has managed to get white x white chicks to hatch? and live?
FWIW, my white sport cockerel was autosexing at hatch but does not show vigor in his growth. While their are other more dominant cockerels with him which could help explain his slow growth, he just has not kept up.

I also know for a fact which cockerel and pullet produced this white sport cockerel. So I believe it can be safely assumed that both of these birds carry the recessive white gene.

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