White Sport Cream Legbars


I showed my white sports this past weekend. They received a lot of attention, as did the Cream legbars. Many people had a hard time believing they were the same breed as the cream ones. Which is funny when you think of how many other breeds have different colors.

When I told them they lay a sky blue egg people really seemed interested. But as luck would have it neither one laid an egg during the show. My next showing is Nov 19th. I might have to "sneak" an egg into the cage so people can see the color of them.

Now a suggestion I made on the Cream Legbar thread. A judge told me I listed the birds wrong which is why they placed below the creams. I will be registering them as "Legbars" and not cream leg bars. The judge said register them as "white legbars" do not put "cream" into the name. What we have then is a legbar that is white.

When Orpingtons are showed they are all Orpingtons then the variety is buff, Blue or whatever. The best part of this is we would then have all whites judged against each other. We could have a best of breed of white and cream!

Also we would then be judged against the Creams for best of variety. The dirty little secret is a white bird wins more often than a colored bird. A white bird only need to be white to be the correct color. With a crele or cream color it becomes subjective and judges do not like to have to defend a shade or color. This applies if the birds are close or equally close in body type.

The short of it, SHOW your legbars and list them as white "legbars"
Here is an updated pic of my little white sport
Hi All White Sport enthusiasts!

Would an on-line show interest you? The Cream Legbar Club is accepting entries/pics from Nov. 2nd through December 15th; judging and results to be shared after the first of the year. Categories include Cream Legbars, Golden Crele Legbars, and White sports. PM me if you would like more info.
Are these the same thing as the "Frosty White Legbar" on MyPetChicken for $62 straight run?

I got excited when I seen this on MPC (didn't see your post), but then I thought, " one of the reasons I liked the CLB is b/c they are autosexing. The FWL are not. LOL. BTW, my CLB from GFF, never laid a blue egg. Bummer.

The FWL look like the SBEL I bought off MPC (the hens anyways). My SBEL eggs were green too; however, if I tilted them just so, in the light, for a brief second they appeared very light blue, BRIEFLY. Couldn't honestly sell them as blue, though.

So far, just found 1 chicken that will lay a blue egg, and it's light blue. That is those WTB from McMurray. Some other people say otherwise if I remember correctly. All Mine laid light blue, though.
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