White watery poop


Nov 16, 2015
Northern CA
My 10 week old EE just had a white watery poop, with brown mushy chunks in the middle. Any ideas on what this means? I think she's also getting picked on because this morning I found about 20 small feathers of hers in their house. UGH:( She's my favorite and I don't want her to be sad:( Any help on either subject? She was also very skittish this morning and wouldn't even let me touch her. Seems to be eating and drinking fine.

UPDATE: she just went #2 again but this time it was more mushy brown then white watery. Any help is appreciated because if I need to treat for something I'd like to do that ASAP
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How many times have you seen this poop?

Judging from her age, this won't be a case of worms. However Coccidiosis is common at this age, causing diarrhea and many times stained with blood. But generally they go off their food and water with cocci. So I would watch carefully to make sure she is definitely getting enough sustenance. If she does stop eating and drinking, I would definitely start her on some Corid or something with Amprolium. You can get this at most feed stores.

Is she in with chicks her age or are there older birds in the flock? If she is with older birds, you need to watch VERY carefully she doesn't get hurt. She is a bit young to be with older pullets and hens. They will definitely run her off from the food and water. And this WILL cause starvation and thirst. A lack of food and water will cause diarrhea.

Did it get really cold fast at your place in the last few days? A sudden temp change on chicks will cause them to chill and they can get diarrhea.

Any kind of stress on a chick can cause diarrhea. So I am thinking that something in her environment is causing this diarrhea. Food changes, too much cold, too much heat, she is being bullied, she is not eating or drinking enough, etc... and the fact that you said she was skittish this morning tells me something is causing her stress. So you might go spend some time with them at different times of the day and try to figure out what is stressing her in her environment.

If this continues and you can't find any good reason for it, you might get her on some Corid just in case she does have Coccidiosis.
How many times have you seen this poop?

Judging from her age, this won't be a case of worms. However Coccidiosis is common at this age, causing diarrhea and many times stained with blood. But generally they go off their food and water with cocci. So I would watch carefully to make sure she is definitely getting enough sustenance. If she does stop eating and drinking, I would definitely start her on some Corid or something with Amprolium. You can get this at most feed stores.

Is she in with chicks her age or are there older birds in the flock? If she is with older birds, you need to watch VERY carefully she doesn't get hurt. She is a bit young to be with older pullets and hens. They will definitely run her off from the food and water. And this WILL cause starvation and thirst. A lack of food and water will cause diarrhea.

Did it get really cold fast at your place in the last few days? A sudden temp change on chicks will cause them to chill and they can get diarrhea.

Any kind of stress on a chick can cause diarrhea. So I am thinking that something in her environment is causing this diarrhea. Food changes, too much cold, too much heat, she is being bullied, she is not eating or drinking enough, etc... and the fact that you said she was skittish this morning tells me something is causing her stress. So you might go spend some time with them at different times of the day and try to figure out what is stressing her in her environment.

If this continues and you can't find any good reason for it, you might get her on some Corid just in case she does have Coccidiosis.

I just started seeing the watery white stuff today but I have been on vacation for the last week and a half while a pet sitter was here. She might be stressed from getting picked on. She is in with all birds her same age and that she was raised with. The temp. has been consistent. When I got home their cage was a mess however and the petsitter got confused with where food and grit went in their cage so maybe that was causing stress too. I'm hoping that now that I'm home all of them will be better. Would the diarrhea stress have white water in it or would it just be mushy? I'm hoping it's just stress because I can fix that easier. Let me know what you think. I'll keep and eye on her and make sure she's eating and drinking.

However it was raining almost every day we were gone on vacation and that was their first rain.
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Quote: Just someone new in the coop can stress them. When birds get stressed they can pick on each other.

It wouldn't hurt to put probiotics in their water. 70% of the immune system lies in the gut. This is also where most pathogens take hold. These pathogens have a much harder time taking hold in an oxygenated, good bacteria enriched environment. The probiotics will help to balance the intestinal tract and beef up the immune system. Chicks at this age are still developing their immune systems, so now is a good time to get them all off to a good start. You can either use animal probiotics or human grade stuff. All the same. You will need to change out the water daily and make a new batch each day. I would use the probios for a couple of weeks straight, then backing off to a couple of times a week.

If this one hasn't returned to pooping more solid poop in a day or 2, you might consider some Corid in the water, just in case. It won't hurt them to administer it to all the flock. It is a thiamine blocker which prevents the protazoa (the Coccidiosis) from reproducing.

Keep an eye on her and make sure she is eating and getting her fair share. It is also a good idea to have at least 2 or more feeding and watering stations, depending on how many birds you have. Only one station, and there is WAY too much competition for food and water. The lower ranking birds are going to go hungry and thirsty.

Keep us posted!! :)
They sell probiotics and Corid at Tractor Supply or Rural King or similar stores. The dosage for the Corid 20% powder is 1.5 teaspoons per gallon of water, mixed fresh daily for 7 days. Then you can treat for additional days with 3/4 tsp/gallon.
X2 Most feed stores carry Corid or some medication with Amprolium in it. :)

How is your bird today?

It was raining today so I didn't spend much time out with them but I didn't see any white watery poop!! The only non-firm one I saw was mushy, but definitely not white and watery so I think she's getting better! I also saw her eating some food. I'll try and get out more tmr. I have electrolytes that we didn't use when we first got them...Would that be good to put in their water?
X2 Most feed stores carry Corid or some medication with Amprolium in it. :)

How is your bird today? 

It was raining today so I didn't spend much time out with them but I didn't see any white watery poop!! The only non-firm one I saw was mushy, but definitely not white and watery so I think she's getting better! I also saw her eating some food.  I'll try and get out more tmr.  I have electrolytes that we didn't use when we first got them...Would that be good to put in their water?

That is great that the poop has improved! She could have just had an off day, or possibly became stressed with someone new in the coop.

Go easy with electrolytes. I try to only use them during times of heat stress and only occasionally other times. Electrolytes are mostly salts. Salts can cause more loose and watery poop. You would be far bettér off with probiotics or even apple cider vinegar in the water. (1 tablespoon AVC to a gallon of water, make a new batch daily.) Foods like bread or even bananas help to stiffen up stools.

Keep an eye on her and hopefully this was just a couple of off days for her. :)

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