Whizbang Plucker

Marko, Thank You so much. Thats exactly what I needed to see. Nice wokmanship. That shower head is a great idea. Do you just put the bird in there or do you put water in the tub too? Yours looks like it would be much better than the whiz bang. Heck, you got $100 worth of fingers in there.
Didn't know there were three Liberty's. Oh well, you brought back some nice memories.

Thank You very much.
After you scald the bird , you turn on the plucker, turn on the shower head and drop in the bird, when the fingers take off the feathers the shower helps to push the feathers down through the bottom of the plucker.
What is the rpm on your motor? Or if you gear it down what should the rpm be?
We found a 1hp motor but it is 3450 rpm, much to fast for the plucker, we found a gear reducer but we need to know the optimal rpms.
Are there any cheap/easy plans online for pluckers and scalders? I would have thought that it would be easy to find a ton of different ideas online, especially for scalders, which don't seem too complicated, but on every site, it seems like they list the same, complex, expensive one. There's got to be a way to make these things with hardware store parts and an afternoon, right?
What we use as a scalder is quite simple. A round metal container about 2 ft across by 3 ft tall, we heat it by using a tiger torch run by propane. The flame hits the side of the container and in 1 hr you have water to the temperature for scalding. I know other people that use a tin garbage can with a hot water heater element in the bottom and thermostat to keep the temperature where it needs to be.

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