Who’s laying?

Nov 28, 2017
What’s the easiest way to tell who isn’t laying? I have 4 hybrids that lay brown eggs, that’s as far as I can narrow it down. Been getting 3 brown eggs for over a month. I have too many chickens so need to rehome some, starting with the free loaders.

Is food dye on the vent the way to go? I’ve tried checking every hour but I never catch them. They all sit in the nest. 2 or 3 at a time. That’s why I don’t know who’s laying.
I had never heard of the food dye on the vent trick. That may work to tell you who's who.

Are your free loaders young and not laying yet, or older chickens slowing down?

If they are young, see if they squat when you go to pet them. It is one sign that they are laying. This is the most obvious way to tell.

They’re all 10 months old and have been laying well since they were 6 months old. Been getting 3 brown eggs for a month now, when I should get 4. I have a persistent soft egg layer who I think it could be. So not really not laying pullets or ready to moult hens. I have 9 hens in a 7 chicken coop so I just want to thin the flock out a bit.
Some breeds take almost a year to start laying, it depends on which breeds you have. Also with the days getting shorter often they slow egg production.

(I am assuming that you have only gotten 3 eggs and no more) so my guess is possible slower developing breeds.
Some breeds take almost a year to start laying, it depends on which breeds you have. Also with the days getting shorter often they slow egg production.

(I am assuming that you have only gotten 3 eggs and no more) so my guess is possible slower developing breeds.

Thank you. I know she’s been laying, whoever it is. They’re red sex links. Just need to find out whether they are laying alternately or if she’s not laying and wanting ways to help determine this
Use the gel type food dye, I hear it sticks better.
Never done it myself.
I would suggest checking pelvic points, but that won't tell you who is laying what....like figuring out who the softshell layer is.
Thank you. I know she’s been laying, whoever it is. They’re red sex links. Just need to find out whether they are laying alternately or if she’s not laying and wanting ways to help determine this
Red sex links start laying by 22 weeks and usually are consistent layers. I have 2 and they have laid an egg every day since 20 weeks. That's their sole purpose in life is to lay eggs and they often pass away earlier than most breeds around 3-5 years due to their egg productivity.

You could get a game cam and put it in your coop to see who's laying. I do believe I've read putting food coloring in the vent area works to see who's laying and who isn't, I've never tried it.

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