~*Who deserves free eggs in May *~UPDATE First post and #58

How big is your bator Maplesky? maybe we'll all send you some eggs!
I dont think Maple is declining YET, I think she is THINKING about it, cant you smell something burning???

smarty pants!

I've got a chick with it's intestines out in my bator right now...sniff sniff...day 23...I don't think it's gonna make it.

I've got a top hatch brower.
pumpkinpup if you read this thread again, (I'm blushing) ! Thanks for the vote! LOL I myself would of nominated PUMPKINPUP! She is the best and always has great advice for newbies and old hats. And SHE recently had a tough time with her fowl as well! Who doesn't need more eggs to hatch, right??? LOL

Sorry was just to funny not to post ok anyway,im sure there is more out there and Maplesky let me know what your gonna do before the deadline...
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