Who do you "stalk" on BYC?

I am heartbroken to think that you, my darling Em, are too
busy to stalk me.

To cast me aside for Taz...I am shamed. Of course, it was noted
that you took your vacation to Florida. Some close up stalking, no

What have I done. Have I lost you after all?


I would like one of those cool little smiley's...a little Spook. But, being
a Spook, no one could see him. So it would be invisible.

Maybe I'll just pretend I already have one. You just can't see it.
Dear Spook,

I am afraid I have to leave you. You have not been very kind to me lately.

I did go to Florida for my vacation, but not to see Taz. I was searching for more cows for Gritty. I hear she loves cows, and I just so happen to have plenty there. I came back to you, but you have been very fickle, and I'm going to pout awhile. Maybe I'll come back to you tomorrow, with brownies if you're extra special good.

With love,

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