Who do you "stalk" on BYC?

His real name is Jerome Silberman and was married to Gilda Radner of SNL.
Gene Wilder is hot. Even now, as old as he is, I still find him attractive.
Where are all my sexy cornbread baking redhead women, oh EM you stay on your side of the island, with fat albert and your other crazy men.
Dem's fighting words, Deerman!

Spookwriter is Em's bestest man, and I ain't crazy!!!
I just live on the other side of reality.

If I catch her running with Fat Albert, it's curtains for us.

(Not that I'm stalking anybody here...I'm just following along.)
You are definately going to have stalkers. Watch out of that Deerman!
I'm lucky.....he said natural red highlights don't count.....and he knows I make sweet cornbread.....so I'm safe.

OH... NOOOOOO.... we don't eat sweet cornbread at my house.... raised without the sugar.... and my whole family (minus my kids) are redheads.

Well better watch out , all those redhead women in your family.....I'M always looking.....

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