Who do you "stalk" on BYC?


I think that's true though.
Conversations with me can become incredibly confusing. My family and friends have been known to stop me in the middle of a sentence and ask me what is going on in my head. It's a scary place to be...trust me.
"Whoa whoa whoa! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?!"
Perhaps that why I understand you so well, Miss Emmy.

My wife couldn't carry on a normal conversation if you beat her
over the head with a big stick. Putting one word after the other
is hard for some people.

However, I don't guess I married her for the intelligent conversation.
She tricked me years ago. Tricked me into thinking I couldn't live without

Gotta love tricky women.

Take yourself, Em...How you've tricked the men here, batting those beautiful
eyes and promising brownies...or whatever it takes... to get us wrapped around
your itty-bitty fingers.

Putty in your hands.
Hey Deerman...
I just made a fresh batch of HOT Cornbread .....Even have some ham and beans left over if you want any.......I am busy cleaning and doing the laundry like ANY women should...but help yourself dear
Hey Deerman...
I just made a fresh batch of HOT Cornbread .....Even have some ham and beans left over if you want any.......I am busy cleaning and doing the laundry like ANY women should...but help yourself dear

MMMMM sure wish i could get there...........
awww...that's awesome Mahonri. That's a nice set up too. She talks about visiting you often.

Maple! Where you been? How's the kitties??!!

wow...I'm way behind. busy movin and stuff. kittens are doing great and climbing the curtains....nauuughtyyy! I'll upload pics later on my other thread.

***continue stalking****
Why yes we are...............guess i will be dreaming about them allnight.

Maple how have you been.....

I'm very sore and waiting for the meds to kick in...apparently my neck and it's herniated discs do not like to travel or lug baggage. I had very good cornbread at a nearby pub though and thought of you....it wasn't served by a redhead though.
I feel that Em, Spook, mljohnson05, and deerman have done some serious hi-jacking
I feel more like Em started this tread than me
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