Who do you "stalk" on BYC?

Dysfunctional...that word ever come to mind when you're
thinking about the people here?

Forget that stalking is probably against the law everywhere
but here in the first place...We don't even function well enough
to break the law.

How sad is that?

The moderators allow us happy bunch free rein...mainly because
we aren't able to follow basic simple conversations...and we still
wonder off into our own little world.

This place isn't like the real world.

I know this because at the Mall, you aren't allowed to follow pretty
redhaired women around...the security cop said something about
stalking being a bad thing.

I've followed along and not said a thing, but everyone knows real
corn bread is not "sweetbread". It's called cornbread, it goes in my

In my world, "sweetbread" needs some icing and gets to be called "cake".
We get to eat that after we eat the cornbread.

I would probably stalk more women, but the cops don't like it...my wife doesn't
like it...and sometimes I don't think the women like me following them. I'm
old, can't see well, so I need to work close up. Stalking a woman at K-mart? I'm
close...I'll push her buggy while she shops.

Hey Deerman...
I just made a fresh batch of HOT Cornbread .....Even have some ham and beans left over if you want any.......I am busy cleaning and doing the laundry like ANY women should...but help yourself dear


You are now officially forgiven for being a redhead in my book..
Spook! Just as I start to consider you a friend you insult my cornbread!

My ancestors, the true natives of this land, must have spent many years perfecting their recipe. They probably only ground the sweetest corn, by hand mind you. Milked dangerous buffalo (or angry raccoons in hard times). Perhaps they risked their lives raiding bee hives find honey. They slaved over a raging flame. All to achieve a cornbread that brings the tastebuds to life. A slightly sweet piece of heaven designed to turn meager meal of beans into a celebration. They proudly passed this on to their children, altered only slightly each generation to suit the times. Even today, I can feel the connection to these ancient people who designed this life sustaining dish. A work of art, if you will. A work of art appreciated by all good southerners.

I would contine but I need to go find a tissue.
Perhaps later we can discuss redheads and how my Irish ancestors struggled to get here, just to be oogled and chased by smooth talking men.
I think I will need a nap first though.

Edited to add: Deerman, you are not off the hook either.
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I think this calls for a cornbread makin contest... ok, all you crazy chickeners have to get together and do a cook off like they do a chilli cook off.
sweet cornbread...up here we call that corn muffins not cornbread...........putting the corn muffin in ham and beans ....be like adding sugar to the beans, give me salt pork in my beans.
Muffins are baked in a muffin pan.....we bake in a cast iron baking pan. We also use either salt pork or ham hocks in beans.
You should come over for dinner sometime. I have a feeling you would leave with a new appreciation for sweet cornbread.......and brunettes with natural red highlights.

Sorry if I ruined it for the rest of you girls.
It is hard to compete with sweet cornbread.


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