Who else got some 2013 chicks?!

We have 19 babies that are 25 days old. We took them out of brooder and let them see the run for first time today. After an hour or so I put them back and they all took a nap. We are really enjoying them.
6 EE Pullets
2 Black Sex Link
3 Buff Orpington ....2 Pullets 1 Roo
1 Dominique ?
3 Cornish Rock ?
1 Unknow Bantam
1 Unknown Pullet
1 Silkie Bantam
1 Frizzle Bantam

My little chicks have been growing so fast, that they are outgrowing their enclosure on the screen porch.

This past weekend we finished building our coop/run from an old storage shed and since the weather is so nice this week, moved the girls out there. Well, the girls and one little roo, so far. This is great, because we wanted a roo or two. Thanks for all the great advise about waiting to see if they are all girls. I am hoping for at least one more roo, then I will have 20 pullets and 2 roos.

I posted the baby pics in post 44, I just have to show off my little roo, he is almost 5 weeks old. All the chicks are now between 4 and 6 weeks old.

This one has become my friend, she comes to me all the time and to my great surprise, today jumped on my arm all by herself.

They are so cute! Have fun with them!
Not sure about the ducks, but I've been giving mine finely scrambled eggs, and yogurt mixed with their feed as treats.

Thanks So much for the tip. Both Love the scrambled eggs so much that I have to almost separate them so they each can get a fair share. It has helped my chick become much less people shy.
Brought home 6 Gold Laced Wyandottes today. They are our first chicks and we're exicted to have them. I attempted feather sexing them, definitely have 2 girls and 2 boys, but the other two I couldn't really tell. The feathers weren't consistently the same length across, but didn't appear nearly as staggered as the two that I'm sure are girls.

I may get 2 more chicks this week, either Barred Rocks or Australorps if they're available. We have two TSCs within reasonable distance, one 20 min North, the other 15 min South. I called the one to the South earlier today and they were completely sold out of chicks. The one to the North said they had Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottes, and Cornish. Unfortunately when I got there all the Barred Rocks they had last week were gone and in there place were White Rocks. I was hoping to get 4 Wyandottes and 4 Barred Rocks, but oh well.... Hopefully the other location will get some Barreds or some Aussies in on Wed.

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