Who else is butchering turkeys this week?


12 Years
Nov 19, 2007
I'm taking my Bourbon Reds to get butchered tommorrow and Tuesday. It always makes me sad...they are so beautiful right now and are just coming into their prime. Their feathers are finally filled out and I swear, they love this cold weather because they dance and "play" every morning when I let them out to pasture. Such a shame that they are being butchered now. but they were raised to be Thanksgiving turkeys, and I certainly can't keep 30 of them around all winter long, plus they're already paid for. Caught the first one and put him in a crate for the ride to the butcher tonight. couldn't get the truck, so he's riding to the butcher in my honda (in a crate).
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I know how you feel. We just took our first three pigs to butcher on Thursday. It was pretty sad. But, I sure will appreciate all that meat!!

We have some turkeys, too. We got them a little late, so I think we'll have to wait 'til Christmas to try one.
I go through a 2-day period of sadness usually and then I start to feel good about raising my own meat.

I keep thinking I should have a Native American ritual or something to acknowledge and thank the turkey spirit. Anyone ever heard of anything like this?
We butchered one last Sunday. it was a bronze. He dressed out at 30Lbs.Hope he fits in the pan lol. We have one more to butcher hopefully tomorrow. I want this one cut up so I can put it in the freezer. I am hoping for cutlets,and such. DH and DS buther them themselves. We had 5 three were hens. I took two to the swap and trade on Saturday they will be pets. The other one will be a pet as well. I have been looking for a hen for my granddaughters tom.

I stay out of the way on butchering day that way I don't have to watch.
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Oh, you are sweet. I don't think I could do it...we always give them names. Anyway, I think it is so amazing and you are blessed to be in a position to be able to eat your own meat. I'm not there yet...
We were going to but our are still a little to young!
I sold one BBB yesterday, live weight was 54 pounds!
We processed 2 today one for ourselves and one for the local food pantry. They seemed to pluck a lot nicer then the ones we processed a couple of months ago. We think the cold has helped, their were hardly any pin feathers, just easy to pluck thick feathers.

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