Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Well, my three buzzards turn 24 weeks in four days...they aren't exhibiting any egg laying initiative at all...no squatting, etc. I think the major egg producers are silently downloading messages from satellite to my hens telling them not to lay until the price of eggs hits $7 a dozen...conspiracy...I think so!
Got four eggs today! Four out of six are now laying. 18 weeks old. Check out the size of this one! Pretty sure it came from one of the RIR's. OUCH!!
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I'm anxiously awaiting some fresh eggs!

I have 9 girls that are just over 18 weeks old.
2x BA
2x Dark Brahmas
2x Easter Eggers
1x Buff Orpington
2x Speckled Sussex

Who do you think will lay first? I've heard most of mine are late layers. One of the BA and one of the EEs developed bright red combs last week!
Our very first flock of Black Australorps, Rhode Island Reds, and 1 Buff Orpington laid their first eggs at 17.5 and 18 weeks old! I was sooo excited!

Our second flock (bator chicks of 1st flock) laid late around 23-24 weeks.

Our 3rd flock laid around 21 weeks which is about average.

I've read many places that the average lay age is between 20-24 weeks.
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My RIR Gretta Van So-stern is finishing up her 19th week (I think). I've put out a nesting box with two ceramic eggs just in case. I can remember (pre-chickens) when 20, 21, or 25 weeks sounded like a short amount of time. Now it seems like FOREVER while waiting for eggs.
I'm in the waiting game also....15 weeks today. Got some nice red faces on a few but that is it! To think it could be another month makes me bonkers!!! Good luck to all those waiting.

My 7 are about the same age as yours - they'll be 16 weeks on Monday (8/24). And I have a few nice red faces, too - but their combs and wattles are not impressive and they are not squatting for me. ***SIGH***. Oh, well - ! I am going to open up the nesting boxes next week and hopefully that will get at least some of them motivated. Lol!
X2 our oldest girls are almost 17 weeks and I'm dying lol we also have two eggs in the incubator due today or tomorrow. And 21 more eggs on days 1 or 6. The eggs in the incubator help it go by a bit faster but still it goes by in spurts for instance yesterday and the day before have absolutely dragged on and on today will too just BC we're waiting for chicks to hatch.

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