Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Our same newbie Red has given us 2 baby eggs. So cute. The other 3 haven't gotten the hang of it. Never experienced this before. Maybe today. .

My Betty has given us eggs for a month. My other to set in nest but nothing yet. One in Feb and one in March. So maybe soon.
7 new layers in couple weeks, Great! Though couple new ones layed in the run and they ate them since they broke.
7 new layers in couple weeks, Great! Though couple new ones layed in the run and they ate them since they broke.
Nice eggs! My 5 hens + 1 rooster are 17 weeks old. This morning they were singing the "egg song" in the back yard as a group, even the rooster?!! It was the first time I ever heard such a loud racket! I searched but no eggs. Maybe there was a predator? I hope it means they are almost ready to lay.

Yup! They are getting ready alright, noise level getting up too huh!

My hens will all turn 20 wks. tomorrow, I can't wait until all of them fills up our egg basket everyday.
If I showed our chickens an empty KFC bucket, they would just look at me like "what the 'bleep'! You didn't save us any?" Spoiled little free loaders.

Shouldn't complain really, I've picked up three eggs from the Buff O's today but the 2 Welsummer hens are holding out on us. They are singing, their faces are bright red but they won't give the roosters the time of day no matter how impressively they dance for them or try for a quick jump'n'run with them and I've yet to find a brown,dark speckled egg in their favorite nesting box.

Maybe an empty KFC bucket would shock them into leaving us a few brown, speckled eggs in the nest along with the Buff O's offerings. Nah, they'd just wonder why we didn't save them a wing.
I have 7 hens that we raised from Easter,
We got our first egg two weeks ago, when should we expect the rest to start?
We have 3 RIR and 4 barred rocks.
The first 4 eggs were small then we got a large one then small again.
All single eggs.
I have 7 hens that we raised from Easter,
We got our first egg two weeks ago, when should we expect the rest to start?
We have 3 RIR and 4 barred rocks.
The first 4 eggs were small then we got a large one then small again.
All single eggs.

Are the other birds showing signs of maturity - reddening and "waxy" appearance of the comb and wattles, performing the *submissive squat*, etc? Just as with humans, individual chickens mature at different rates. Your girls are just at the point where one might expect production to begin - anytime from now to 4-6 weeks from now.
The eggs when a bird first starts to lay can really be a roller coaster - eventually all the moving parts of her reproductive system will get working in sync with one another and things smooth out with the size of the eggs progressively getting larger and more consistent.

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