Who else is waiting for that first egg?


We finally got our first eggs!
YIPEE! We got our first egg today! It's a small beauty with a nice hard shell! Luckily, I found it right when I opened the coop door this morning (right inside the door on the floor!). I think it was from my RIR. I have been worried that I would not be able to find any eggs if the girls laid them while free ranging around the house. Hoping the next few will be laid in the nest boxes which have been open for over a week w. fake eggs. I probably have a couple more days/weeks for the 2 Black Australorps, GL Wyandotte, and Buff Orp. I'm very happy today!
I just got my first egg today!! One of my 19 week old buff orpington laid it! This is my very first time raising chickens. I have 20 girls about half buffs and half RIRs.

I was not expecting any of them to lay that soon, but I read that they can start anytime after 18 weeks. She was sitting on the roost in front of the nest box clucking something fierce. I had never heard the "egg song" before. I went inside and looked up some videos of it because I was curious if that could be it.

When I heard that that was exactly what it sounded like I ran outside to go look, extremely excited. I have 10 nest boxes, and I was beginning to feel a little disapointed as I looked from one to the next. Then, there it was in the very last box! I screamed like a little girl on Christmas morning!

It was an absolutely perfect little brown egg. It has a nice hard shell, and no defects as far as I can see. I'm beyond happy!
It does seem to be taking forever but after looking at the calendar and counting weeks, I realize it is really more anticipation than anything else.
The lineup of ladies is as follows:

1 - 21 week old EE not coloring up yet
3 - 19 week RIR's some color starting to show on combs and wattles but development of both is small
16 - 19 week BSL pretty much the same as the RIR's although there is more color in some cases
1 - 17 week RSL Not a lot of comb or wattles but reddening up more than most of the others
1 - 17 week GLW Almost even with the RSL in redness
1 -17 week SLW Smaller bird but starting to redden up nicely.

Nest boxes and proper roosting bars are being installed over the next 10 days or so as we have no doubt that once it begins, it will get very busy fairly quickly.

It is still hot as the dickens here and as long as they appear to still be getting bigger every day, we are hoping later will be better.
One of my Brahmas laid her first egg about 2 weeks ago at 4.5 months. Had a golden laced sebright bantam lay her first one today! Pretty stoked since a lot of people say they won't lay the first year. This one laid just shy of 5 months!
Ok I added some EE to my golden comets this evening. I know there will be a disruption in egg laying for both of the flocks. My question is how long can I expect a disruption from my golden comets? Also how many eggs a week can I expect from each of the EE's?
Ok I added some EE to my golden comets this evening. I know there will be a disruption in egg laying for both of the flocks. My question is how long can I expect a disruption from my golden comets? Also how many eggs a week can I expect from each of the EE's?
Honestly it just depends. It could take a few days for laying to resume or it may take several weeks. As for the Easter Eggers, I have one Easter Egger that lays just about every day. I get about 6 or 7 a week from her. I have another Easter Egger that laid great for about a month, and stopped. She hasn't laid in about 2 months, she is otherwise completely normal and healthy.

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