Who else is waiting for that first egg?

We got our first egg from our first flock! Marion, our Americauna is the star laying a pretty light blue egg at only 19 weeks old :) Proud chicken parents right here!

I have 5, 18 week old pullets but no eggs. My two Rhode island reds have big, bright red combs and wattles, have for a couple weeks, but nothing yet. I have fake eggs in the nest boxes and check everyday, I want eggs so bad! I'll be furious if I don't get any in the next month, lol
The waiting almost makes me wish I'd ordered a couple of red sex links. My neighbor got some and they lay early. My sliver laced wyandottes have nice red faces and combs but are not squatting yet. They are just 17 weeks old so really too young for most of them to lay, but I lost my flock last year due to foxes. There are no older girls laying until the younger ones start. I am feeling all the anticipation I felt the first year of keeping chickens.

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