Who else is waiting for that first egg?

They should figure it out on their own with a little time. Its a natural instinct. The only light my coop has is daylight so as it gets dark, they line up and march back to the coop and fall into formation on the bar. They come from all over the property all at the same time like they all hear the same alarm going off.
At what age should they begin to lay?
Mine were born april 20th give or take
depends upon breed. I've had them start laying just a few days shy of 16 weeks for hybrid production type breeds. Most of Your more heritage type and exotic/rare breeds are 6 To 8 months. Now, my large fowl cochins were almost a year before ever laying.
I'm anxiously waiting for my rainbow basket of eggs in the fall. I have 6 week old chicks and they are adorable. Every pullet is a different breed that lays a different color egg. Hopefully they all lay the egg color they were advertised as laying
. Dark, medium and light brown. With blue and green too!
I have 14-15 week old pullets I'm excited to see what the eggs are going to look like I have two Rhode Island Reds one barred Rock one white Plymouth rock bantam one partridge Wyandotte one buff orpington one Black Jursey Giand and a Silver Duck Wing Old English Game bantam!
Hi everyone, it seems to me that this is an American site, hope I'm wecome, I live in New Zealand. I have 5 hens we call them Brown Shavers, they are 20 weeks old, not much combs or wattles yet. Obviously still waiting for eggs. I have watched a video someone posted about training them, it was very helpful, and will be trying it on one hen that runs from me, doesn't except feed from my hand.i would very much like her to be more friendly, I'll let you know how it goes.
Hi and welcome from another North Shore ''Ite'' Lot's of helpful people and information here.Hope you get eggs soon!
Welcome to the forum, peastix! From what I've seen we are multinational chicken enthusiasts!

For taming your chicks down, offer them their favorite treat frequently though out the day. With mine it was whole wheat bread. All I have to do is go out side and walk towards their coop and they are running to greet me and see what I have for a treat.

I spent some time last night before I went to sleep doing some reaearch here on BYC as to when I can expect the first eggs from our flock and the best guestament is after 20 weeks with our Buff Orpingtons and about 27 weeks with our Welsummers. So at 13 weeks, we are getting close with one and have a ways to go with the other.

Any Welsummer owners out there? When did your girls first start to lay?

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