Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Chicks are 19 weeks & no eggs yet. I talk to them nearly every evening to encourage them they can start anytime. Check again tomorrow.


One of my red hens FINALLY her first egg today!! It's the tiny brown one. The one beside it is a bantam egg for comparison. :D
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Our chicks are 18 weeks & we just got our first eggs, day one it was an Easter Egger & Rhode Island Red..........day two the other easter egger & the same Rhode Island Red................was very excited to find the first two eggs.
Made breakfast this morning. Curiosity was killing me about Victoria's eggs so I used them.

They are all double yolkers. She has now laid 7 eggs and every one was a double. Kinda worried she wont get that straightened out before the yolks get full sized. Her doubles are as big as Kanga's singles which do NOT fit in the "large" egg cartons.

Moved chickens around last night. No one is happy this morning. I had way to many pullets in the small end of the coop and 11 old girls that need to be processed. I switched them out. The pullets are now at the mercy of one very small bantam cochin with an attitude.
Funny seeing my Brahmas running from one itty bitty cochin.

Here is Bitty for a good laugh.

She is so small next to the SS and the GLW and even the BA. Now just think how small she is next to a BRAHMA.

One of ours laid an incredibly soft shell on Monday, another soft shelled but a tad bit firmer one on Tuesday. Then nothing since. Something in me said go out this morning to clean their coop (about 3 hrs earlier than normal) and I found these lovely eggs. Not in the coop but it's a start. There was one in the coop but it had been pecked apart sadly. Not too sure on who did it has there are about 5 of the 16 who's been showing signs and singing.

Went out side and made my special blend of breakfast for the girls..... Cleaned out coop changed water and sat down to watch them for a bit... When I sit down they all scurry around me like I have treats but run off when I go to pet them. Today one of my nhr let me pet her for a moment!!! I hope her hormones are starting to kick in to produce eggs.. Also noticed that the golf balls were removed out of one nesting box and a nest was imprinted into the wood shavings!!!! Fingers crossed that it won't be much longer
Here is Bitty for a good laugh.

She is so small next to the SS and the GLW and even the BA. Now just think how small she is next to a BRAHMA.
So funny! Lil' bossy ninja chicken! Pretty birds.
Edit to add... 20+ weeks old, no eggs, I'm going to put a couple roasting pans in the coop to see if they prefer them to the nest boxes!
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