Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

So, Buffy was checking out the nest box today. She actually went in there and sat down for a moment. Of course, the others followed her into the coop, because, ya' know, they have to do everything clumped together. Every little sign is eggsciting! Hopefully soon
I have a RIR and BA and bought a RIR, BS and 2 GLW May 6 at 8 wks old. The BS started laying on Aug 2 and has given me a small egg every day. Todays was like a large store egg. Her first egg was really tiny and layed right next to the RIR's jumbo. Really cute!

None of the others are laying yet at 22 wks.

My RIR layed a huge egg the other day and since has been laying rather thin shelled eggs. One got broken and today's was lain on the ground and I was just barely able to pick it up whole. When she lays on the ground I don't think she knows she has lain one as she always goes into the nest later and sits awhile. Today I went in to get her out as she had been in there awhile. Found a paper-thin broken shell with only white with it. Put her out and cleaned the nest and she got in it again later. Put her out and thnk she is back in as I don't see her in the run.

She has been giving me a jumbo egg every day. Gave them some cat food with 30% protein and am preparing egg shells for them.

My BA has not been a good layer lately. She may not have liked the little ones joining them and soon after went broody on me. Only for two days but didn't give me an egg for almost two months. (She almost went into the pot!) Last week I finally got two eggs from her. When she was laying her eggs were light brown, torpedo shaped and gorgeous. The yolk was large for the egg size. Sure would like to see them again. She is about 2 years old.

When the little ones finally came out into the run afer 3 weeks the BA was picking on them all day so decided to separate her since she wasn't laying anyhow. Put her in a temporary coop that I thought was safe but she still got attacked by something unknown. Managed to get to her in the middle of the night and barely saved her. Thought she was a goner. She's better now and not picking on the little ones anymore.

I have been reading the posts often and have learned a lot from you all. Thanks, a bunch! I hope my post helps soneone else.

Well my girls FINALLY started laying last Friday. At least the SLWs did. I expected the RIRs or BAs to be first. They are all over 5 months old. Slowest I've ever had those breeds starting. Even my BOs usually laid by this age. I never raised them to start in the heat of summer tho.

So I now have a grand total of 8 tiny eggs from 10 pullets over five days LOL.

And mostly they prefer the stored rabbit next boxes or the ground under their hutches to the nest boxes in the coop, sigh.

At least they are laying!
Congrats to those of you lucky enough to get your first egg today and yesterday. Please send chicken laying vibes to the rest of our nest boxes...or perhaps we could all start practicing the egg song
Or just explain to them that their PURPOSE is to lay eggs, point to the diminishing number of cockerels, and explain that if they don't fulfill their primary purpose, you could always shift them to the stewpot --- errr --- a secondary purpose.

That's what I did. It seems to have worked.

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