Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

We've got EGGS!!!!!



The dark egg is from the store. The little pullet egg and the torpedo egg is from Beatrice, our Barred Rock who will be 22 weeks old this Monday. They are a little darker tan as the camera flash washed them out a bit.

YEE HA!!! Finally!! Now for the other four girls....
CONGRATS chickerdoodle!!!! I cant wait till mine lay. The thing is i am not 100% sure how old my leghorns are. So I may be waiting awhile.
We also are waiting!!! Have 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes that are around 16 weeks, (if they were in fact the age we were told when we got them). Also just picked up a Buff Orpington (she sure is pretty!) to replace a BR that turned out to be a roo. They said she is 7 months old, she should be laying should't she? We got her friday night and no eggs yet.
Congrats to everyone who got their first eggs over the last few days! Some great pictures. Bet they all were yummy!

We hit 17 weeks here tomorrow. More of the girls are looking redder and redder now. I'm hoping we'll see eggs sometime "soon." LOL Funny thing about mine, tho, is I had heard the Red Stars could be early layers, but it's the Dominiques who are most definitely redder with bigger combs. I don't hold out much hope for eggs from the WC Polish rooster, however red his wattles get!
And they are pretty darned red now, too!

I know what's going to happen. They will start laying in 2 weeks when I am not here to enjoy it, won't they? Just because they can, right?

19 girls hatched on June 14th I think - I can't remember anymore. second week of June - some are just starting to squat and others don't even have pink combs. Variety pack from MPC. My May girls should start soon too but They are Wyandottes so I think it will be a while longer. No pink combs there either.

My Roo from 5/9 did just start crowing this weekend so I know they are reaching maturity.

You may know that I have been whining and complaining about my chickens not laying eggs. I even accused them of being born without a chicken uterus. Its a miracle, they all started laying this week which is week 24 and I am sooooo happy. Strangely enough they are 4 different breeds but born from the same hatching and all started laying this week. Its been a very noisy coop. I tried to post a pick of all the eggs... but I am a compter dummy and could not figure out how to do it.
( I tried for 20 mins)
I now have 3/8 laying - the leghorns started out with BIG eggs and the one RIR is still laying a little pullet egg.
I feel kinda weird that a few of them squat when they even SEE me. I didn't think I looked that roostery. haha..
Hehe still waiting here BUT my Brahma was so much redder in the face today I thought she was bleeding! Her comb is more filled out and bright red, pictures don't do justice but here she is:

This was her on September 5th:

This was her today



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