Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Three BRs that I got just before 4th of July so at least 23 weeks old. One has had a nice bright red comb and waddle for a while now. Another just got hers and the third on her way. So I check with great anticipation every day. I am hoping the the winter sun or lack of won't affect them starting. I do have artificial light going on around 3:30am. Plus I built a new coop and moved 3 older hens into there and no eggs from them either. I know the move probably stopped them. I am hoping once one starts everyone will get going. Do you think it works that way?
It finally happened. I was cleaning up the litter in the coop and found a very wet spot. I started trying to figure out if the water was leaking and instead I found a mashed up egg. I cleaned up the mess and checked the litter for others, none. But while cleaning up one of the girls came in and was very upset with me. So, I am not certain if it was Niki, the Dominicker, Lady, the Bramha and oldest of the girls. She came in after Niki and Niki tends to protect her, so it could be Lady's egg too.

We went out today and when we got home, after dark, three of the girls were sitting in the run on the roosts and Lady was in the coop in a nest cuddled up. I moved her to check for an egg and there was nothing.

Tomorrow is another day and I am going to do my best to figure out who left the present. Can't wait for one we can actually eat.
Mine are 22 weeks, I really doubt they will start laying before spring comes, but its ok, I like looking at them

here they are eating their morning oatmeal


congrats to everyone that doesnt have to wait anymore!
My Girls are 21 weeks, 4 days and so far, no eggs. I know the short winter days are having an effect, but it is nice to read here that they are not out of the norm as far as their progress.

Hopefully they will start soon!
Still waiting...4 EE & 4 BO 25weeks 5days...With a squatter as of almost 2 weeks ago....

I keep telling myself that everyday that goes by is a day closer to egg day!


Hehehe welcome to my world!

My first EE laid right at 30 weeks. Her eggs are really pretty so it was worth the wait!

I have a barred rock that is between 32 and 34 weeks and just started squatting and just started getting a comb and wattles this week! I am hoping she lays by Christmas. That would be really awesome.
My 12 year old daughter started this thread back in July while waiting for our four pullets (born in April) to start laying. One started in September, and she was our only chicken laying until the end of November when our Wyandotte started. Now the other two, an 8-month old Buff Orpington and a 7 1/2-month old Easter Egger are FINALLY squatting and showing interest in the nest boxes. We just can't believe how long it is taking these girls to start up. What a lesson in patience for our whole family.
I'm still waiting the wait! I think it will be awhile for me. I'm not sure how old my chooks are. I got them, coop-ready, in September. I've been trying to find out from the lady I got them from, how old they are. I'm a newbie and got so excited about them, I didn't ask their age. Duh.

They are happy and thriving and I'm hanging out with them every day. No egg songs or broody behavior, I think they're too young yet. A lovely salmon faverolle and an EE.

Is the development of the comb an indicator of approaching laying age? My salmon fav is just developing her comb.

We gave one 10-month-old EE and one 22 week Red Star. I was hoping the older one would be laying by now buy no go. The little one is just starting to get her comb. Except it looks like it's been pecked! So I think it might not be until spring. Ugh! The wait it hard...

no longer waiting!! My EE started yesterday! and got one egg today, also. So thrilled!
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I have lost count of my Barred Rock and Easter Egger, my Mom swears they are barren lol. They are like 34 weeks, or something. Hatched around March 29th 2010. BUT My Wyandotte girl who is... 28 weeks I think, or 30, not sure on her either lol, but she finally squatted for me today!!!!!!
And she was VERY red.

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