Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Congrats to all who are getting eggs! My 34-week-old barred rock is in the nesting box RIGHT NOW, has been in there about half an hour. She has not laid yet. She will be our third layer. We have three more, but they are much younger & will not lay until around March.
My DH calls it chicken basketball. Someone steals the ball, all the others chase her down the court, someone steals the ball, all the others chase her down the court, and so on & so on.
We just found our first eggs in the coop today! Not just one, but two!
Not sure which girls laid, but we suspect the Plymouth Rock and the Speckled Sussex. All our ladies will be 25 weeks old tomorrow.



Just wanted to say that my girls "graduated" last week! Well, 3 of the EEs at least...and 2/3 of them lay a green egg and the other lays a blue one! They were 28weeks3 days when the first egg was laid! It was very special to get that first egg!

Waiting on the BOs and maybe one of the EEs...soon
I have 6 24 week olds and nothing yet
The RIR's face is very red and my cuckoo maran squats when I touch her so I'm really hoping for at least 1 egg sometime soon
Well my Wyadotte finally started laying around 8 months old.

But I am STILL waiting for a 36 week (9 month) old Barred Plymouth Rock and Easter Egger to begin laying.
I have 5 SS that are supposed to be laying right now.....BUT..... nothing. Don't know why except that their daylight lights are not bright enough? I got them as hatchlings in June this year so they are 7 months and counting. Ideas?

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