I feed Scratch and Peck Organic. It's locally produced in the Pacific NW and widely available. I live in Portland where chicken keeping, organic practices, farm to table and hobby farming are all totally trendy and prevalent. I feed some kitchen scraps that aren't organic - we try to follow the Dirty Dozen/ Clean Fifteen model when buying produce.
Not concerned about what our chickens eats as long gmo's aren't on the label. If I fed organic feed to our 70 plus chickens, I would have to sell my Eggs for $5.00 a dozen and my surplus would grow and grow. And my clients would not come back. Pure Organic with 6 chickens is not that bad I suppose but we feed 250 lbs a week with grain alone. On our scale non GMO is sufficient.
I feed organic to my chickens. We have pretty many options around here, including a local mash. I usually use Nature's Best Organic out of Kreamer, PA. It costs almost twice as much as Purina Layena, but it is worth it to me. The feed has always lasted longer than it's conventional counterpart. 80 lbs lasts at least a month for 12 hens.
We make our own chicken feed with all organic ingredients. Most of the grains we get via Azure Standard, which is an incredible source for things like 50-pound bags of organic, non-GMO whole grains. Anything I can't get through them, I cough up the cash to buy via Amazon, etc. Overall it probably works out to be a little bit more than buying a commercial organic feed, but it makes sense for us. I like being able to adjust the formula for different seasons, needs, and so forth, and since everything is human grade, I even "borrow" from the girls occasionally if I need some flaxseed for muffins or peas for soup. ;-)
Not concerned about what our chickens eats as long gmo's aren't on the label. If I fed organic feed to our 70 plus chickens, I would have to sell my Eggs for $5.00 a dozen and my surplus would grow and grow. And my clients would not come back. Pure Organic with 6 chickens is not that bad I suppose but we feed 250 lbs a week with grain alone. On our scale non GMO is sufficient.

Hi Farmer Connie

I'm very new and I'm exploring the idea of raising chickens to sell eggs. In Kelowna BC the average price for home grown organic (or otherwise) seems to be 5 dollars a dozen. People pay it no problem. It's all about start up costs for me at this point.

If you have any advise I sure would appreciate it.

Hi Farmer Connie

I'm very new and I'm exploring the idea of raising chickens to sell eggs. In Kelowna BC the average price for home grown organic (or otherwise) seems to be 5 dollars a dozen. People pay it no problem. It's all about start up costs for me at this point.

If you have any advise I sure would appreciate it.

Hi Lori! Ours are not organic bit try so hard to so stay non GMO.
As far as the egg sales, it took time to build a reputation and customer following. Also taking them to farm swaps and flea markets if the inventory starts to grow to big.
The sales pay for the feed for the birds and goats. The hardest part for us these days is cartons. We refuse to buy new ones. Sometimes we have no choice.
As well educate your buyers that they are not USDA Inspected or factory graded.
We try hard as well to keep the nesting boxes clean.. Super clean. So we don't have to wash off the BLOOM. Unwashed eggs will last longer with the coating the hen naturally deposits on them. If we have to wash them, we call them grade B, and sell them separate from our grade A's. It is our grading system not the industry standard.
Some people want them unrefrigerated, we won't do that.
Our clients buy 10 or more at a time and share them with friends and family.
After awhile, it will be hard to keep them in stock but that takes time.
Once you get to the level you want.. DON'T CHANGE YOUR HEN'S DIET! If we deviate from diet, OUR PRODUCTION DROPS! Then we go on back order and our impatient customers start shopping somewhere else.
The feed store lady laughs when we pay for all of our feed in 1 dollar bills. She says I must of had a good night stripping at the strip club last night.

Good luck Lori. Hope the best for your inspirations!

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