Who feeds the wild life

I wager they hate being eaten more. Those losses are extreme. Predator proof run to go with your predator proof coop.

They have a pen/run and they all sit by the door wanting out. I have to pens and starting on a 3rd for the peafowl (running out of space), so just have to deal I guess. But shooting that darn coyote is a good idea. I have caught 4 opposums and 6 raccoons, now it is just that coyote.
It's even hitting the animal kingdom, hey?

My husband just shoots them. They seem to skulk around for a while first, so a person has a chance to see it coming... Good luck!
Bit like the darn foxes here in the UK, yesterday got a call from a neighbour down the lane to say the biggest fox he had ever seen in his life was heading my way over the fields...... arghhhhhh...

Me and DS run out making lots of noise etc etc., looked the gilies back in just to be on the saffe side. I have completely fenched in the whole paddock area to try and keep the gilrs safe, even though I know the fox can and would jump over the fencing if he wanted, but it does make me feel safer, haven't lost a bird for the last 5 years... but this big fox has me worried, he was out in broad daylight 10.30am.....

I hope you can keep your girls safe... can you not shoot them (coyote) ? kind of make a "hide" and wait, especially if he is coming out during the day?

Good luck!!!!
One year we had a coyote come up middle of the day from the pastures and track one of our foals that was sick. My husband took care of that one quick. One shot. Foal recovered and is a healthy happy horse today. Of course the coyote never even got a chance to sink it's teeth in.

I prefer to throw out corn for the deer, peanuts and sunflower seeds for the squirrels and bird seed in the feeder for our sparrows. Much nicer wildlife to feed!
Loosing 50 the first year would tell me 2 things. There's a predator problem, it's not just the one coyote, and free ranging is not in the best interest of the chickens or my dinner table. By not having them in the run the second year and loosing just as many is in effect feeding the wildlife. Start shooting, start building, and consider getting a Great Pyrenees. Without solid protection from the predators free ranging sounds out of the question there.
I agree, that is way too many chickens to lose, and keeping them in their pen is better than feeding them to coyotes... Can you put an electric fence/hot wire around their ranging area? I think that would help with all the predators tremendously....
Countrymom, I feed the squirrels, birds and deer also, along with the coyotes, foxes, raccoons and opposum - hate to say.

I have built a pen and a huge coop, but they still want to free range. As for fencing their area with electric, these guys are all over. I had not lost one in awhile until that coyote came up and I am going to work on some of the suggestions, along with posting a pick of my unfinished coop.

Still I guess the shot gun is the best, I just hate shooting any wildlife, but I cannot have them eating my critters.

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