Who Has Large Fowl Silkies From TSC Store?

Lol! I crack up about all the hatchery bashing that goes on on these threads. I’ve raised chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigeons of many breeds. Most every flock in America started from hatchery stock. There are exceptions of course. As far as the Silkie goes, we call them Japanese silkies, but are truly a Chinese breed, in China silkies are a standard size chicken that in most cases lays blue eggs. But the crazy people that wanted to bantamize everything, destroyed the silkies in America.
I don't really bash hatcheries. They are what they are and they defiantly have a purpose. I've had probably a few 1,000 hatchery birds over the many years.
It's very common to see hatchery silkies that are larger then the standard calls for. Some quite a bit larger so what I don't get is why someone would pick up a hatchery silkie and it grow to be bigger then some other silkies and automatically assume its some special "giant" silkie other then an oversized hatchery silkie.
I'm curious what the differences are and if there's something that is recognisable as a "giant" silkie.
The UK standard calls for the Standard silkies to have a medium length neck, short back, 5 toes, good foot feathering, and thick neck hackle feathers.
I forgot to include a mulberry, or black combs, hens 2-3lbs, and roosters no more then 3-4lbs.
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What I'm curious about is what makes a "giant" silkie a giant silkie rather then an over sized hatchery silkie.
What makes or made you believe its a giant silkie?
He's 16 and a half inches tall which puts him in the 3-4lbs range. A giant would most likely be 8-7lbs, or more and standing around 2-3 feet tall in height.

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