Who Has Large Fowl Silkies From TSC Store?

She's behind the other LF silkie on the ramp.
Two of my silkies have all five toes, just the hen that doesn't. I'm planning to sell chicks this spring, so yeah I'll throw in a few.
I've done a lot of research on silkies, and they're not true bantams since there's a standard and bantam sizes. They actually vary in sizes, from small, smallish, medium, and large fowls.
What's the difference in a "giant" silkie and an oversized not well bred hatchery silkie?
Lol! I crack up about all the hatchery bashing that goes on on these threads. I’ve raised chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigeons of many breeds. Most every flock in America started from hatchery stock. There are exceptions of course. As far as the Silkie goes, we call them Japanese silkies, but are truly a Chinese breed, in China silkies are a standard size chicken that in most cases lays blue eggs. But the crazy people that wanted to bantamize everything, destroyed the silkies in America.

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