Who has purchased eggs from ebay ? and what was your hatch rate ?

Right now I have lost the splash and blue gene, so at this point it is this laced look and black. It is just something I do for fun, and give them to the select few. They are pure standard Orpington.
Send me a message and we will work something out.

As far as being sold out for months, it is all word of mouth (I have had Orps for 12 years), and I am VERY selective on my birds and breeding. I don't have 100 chickens, so the eggs are fewer than most. For instance, my Jubilee Orps are from two completely separate lines (countries). Roosters are from one line and the hens from another, etc.

Anyway, enough about me...what were we talking about? lol.
Lol, very nice birds you have I must say! Here's my 2 little hatchets today !
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Sonja73...your Orps are gorgeous! I would love to hatch a few of those. Any chance you would consider selling a few hatching eggs. I, too, have had bad luck this year with my first ebay eggs and would love to have some success.

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