Who has raised Buff orpingtons before?

My current flock is 8 hatchery Buff Orpingtons, and the flock I grew up with was the same. I adore them, but I'd agree the roosters were consistently jerks for me. The one I hand raised treated me like a hen, and he wasn't a gentleman to the hens at all. The girls have always been the sweetest--even my broody allows me to pet, check eggs, and transport with no issues. Really impressed with their tameness despite the fact that I didn't get to baby them much as chicks and still have limited time with them as adults. Right now I'm trying out a rooster from a different breed to see if I can get something better than my usual luck.
I've got several!! They are great! Our rooster is our second Buff Orp rooster, and he's a great dude. We've got four hens as well. They are cold hardy and pretty darn tough, not to mention they've been pretty consistent layers. Easy keepers and generally pretty upbeat little guys. They do love escaping our fence, but nobody is perfect 😅
I've got 4 buff Orpington ladies! ❤ Buffy, Willow, Cordelia, and Anya. (Bonus points if you get the theme of names 🤣) Anya was originally named Spike, we thought she was a cockerel at first because she combed out so fast, but nope... from what y'all say about Orpie roos, sounds like we got lucky!

I'm hoping they go broody later this spring... I'd love to have my girls hatch a clutch and get some wee chickies running around here! 😍 But they'll be crosses, as my roos are a black copper Maran (Chipotle) and a blue gold Brahma (Cocky Balboa). I do have 3 buff Brahma hens and 1 partridge Brahma, so we might get some fun Brahma colors... and I'm curious to see what crosses with those boys and the buff Orpingtons would look like.

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