Who here has a small flock? I have three Hens I'm raising in my small backyard

Thanks for sharing
post some pics
Do you free range or the stay in the run?

This was the pic I submitted for the dust bathing thread, it's the most recent photo I have.

They don't get to free range as our property is between a busy street and a creek, and we're full of possible predators - we've seen racoons, a coyote, there's a local bobcat and bear, and of course my dogs would probably love a taste of them as well. They seem pretty happy with the setup though. The 4 of them get a total of 540 sq ft of shade, grass, dirt to play in, and fallen branches to climb on.
I have three as well, 2 Barnevelders and a cream Legbar. I've had them for a month and they are pretty funny girls. Although I can't figure out why they never venture past the area their coop is in when I let them out. They have free range of the entire (albeit small) backyard and they always stick to their little corner.

Very cool... They are happy in their spot I guess
This was the pic I submitted for the dust bathing thread, it's the most recent photo I have. They don't get to free range as our property is between a busy street and a creek, and we're full of possible predators - we've seen racoons, a coyote, there's a local bobcat and bear, and of course my dogs would probably love a taste of them as well. They seem pretty happy with the setup though. The 4 of them get a total of 540 sq ft of shade, grass, dirt to play in, and fallen branches to climb on.
cute pic! They are all just relaxing and staying cool
Lol omg how did you go from 3 to 30
my husband keeps telling me"don't even think about getting a cow now" lol hmm

Chicken math!!!The feed stores fault! The catalogs fault!!!And friends needing eggs willing to pay $4/doz fault!
. Luckily we built a large coop and multiple runs for them, it's like caffeine addiction when am on my work trips.
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Chicken math!!!The feed stores fault! The catalogs fault!!!And friends needing eggs willing to pay $4/doz fault!
. Luckily we built a large coop and run for them.

Got to love that chicken man
awesome deal with the eggs!! Post some pics please. I would love to see your flock and run

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