Who here is NOT on FB?

I want one, but only to keep in touch with a few distant friends and family. Other than that.....I find no need for FaceBook.
I'm with you too - don't use fb or twitter - zero interest in either. I received an 'form letter type' e-mail the other day
from an acquaintance - not even a friend mind you - inviting me to 'follow her life, loves, struggles with her numerous
chronic health isssues, her career and daily musings about her life.................' CAN WE SAY NARCACISSTIC ( sp? )
I say, pass me the barf bag now please!
Does it count if you have an account, but haven't been on it for two years? I'm ( gulp) 30 years old, and my MOM told me to get on it. I see no need. If I wanted to know my Great Uncle got brass knuckles in Mafia Wars I would call and ask.

If I had a computer with internet I would delete my account. I'm just low tech I guess ( as I type this out on an Android phone) but I prefer live talking to catch up with people.
I hate it, but did set up an account. WHY? Because alot of businesses will only give you a discount or coupon if you LIKE them.
What crap! Where I work, the owner wants the employees to LIKE the business, but they won't give us access to FB!!
I'm on there. It helps keep updated information on old friends for when I need to contact them or vice versa, and I've been able to meet up with some old friends in person through it which was very awesome. It also helps keep my husband and I updated on emerging bands since our old friend who is something of a concert-hosting-god is on there and updates with new shows as well as some B-movie stuff. Pretty hard to keep updated on that sort of thing at the local book club.
Plus, it is like a live feed to my husband's humorous musings, and I would pay money to go see him do comedy shows. I get it for free at FB and when I rarely get to see him at home (he does night shift now). That said, I don't do apps, and am very aware of what any personal information goes towards on such a site. If people don't want to have an account, it seems pretty easy not to. Just like I didn't want a cell phone, so I didn't get one. When people ask, "what's your cell number", my response is, "none, I don't have one". Not sure why I'd get annoyed at being asked though.
I dont have a facebook...
but I do have a phone
I would much rather have a phone then a FB

edited to remove personal information
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