Who is Facebook free???

I'm Facebook free.
Facebook to me seems more of a place to show off rather than actually "communicating" with people. If you want to communicate with somebody, talk on the phone or email them. Photos can be sent in email.

FaceBook comes in handy in some circumstances, but as far as everyday use like it's the only way to communicate, and like it'll replace everything else? No.

As far as communicating with someone other than face to face, email, phone, private messaging systems within a site, and message boards such as this one work just fine for me.

Since Google owns Youtube, they've taken away the 'Friend' feature (besides numerous other ways it's being ruined, pretty much taking the 'You' out of Youtube and trying to turn it more into T.V and cater to the big time people and such) on there because I believe they're trying to shove their own social network, Google+, down everybody's throats. Trying to compete with Facebook. That's not what they're saying, even though it's obvious.

I will never (willingly at least) use Facebook or Google+ and that's that. Don't get me started on the privacy issues.
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Facebook Free.

My sister is on Facebook with 120 friends or so,
but she has a pottery business "Earthfire Branch"
Colored porcilain (sp) inlayed clay, functional foodware.
So it is probably helpful in that regard

Like another said - took forever to get a cell phone.
BYC is pretty much my only internet networking...
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Im facebook drama free lol

I have one but only for family. Mine is completely locked unless you are my friend and even then i have to accept your request so it works for me. No one can see what i am saying or look at any of my photos and i can keep in contact with my family all over the US and outside the US. If it wasnt for family then i wouldnt have one.
I am face book free. Lots of people tell me I need to be on it, and I am missing out on so much, bla bla bla. I dont feel like I am missing anything. Cant stand dramma, or gossip, and I am a very private person, so it seems to be the opposite of that. Not appealing at all.
I have one. Had recent issues with it. If it wasn't for my relatives in Florida (older generation) and Kentucky (younger generation relies on FB) I probably wouldn't have one either.

I've recently editted my friends list and have it down to just close friends (including BYC), family and business pages. It still tops at about 500 people but amazingly, at least 50% of that list is family and distant relatives. I don't think I'm done sorting though because 500 people is just too many. Fortunately, my town is a small one with a population of less than 1500. So I talk to everyone in this town in person and on FB.

ETA: BYC is taking over my life and slowly nudging FB out completely LoL
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I have 826 friends, non of byc
, but i have people who i dont know who are perverts they always ask me were i live :S
One online site is enough for me
Most of what I have read on FB is idle immature behavior/drama that I really want no part of. I do read my kids posts though.
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