Who Keeps Bees and Poultry?

Luckily, the vast majority of the bees left and weren't consumed. So at least they're out there somewhere. I am SHOCKED at how fast it all happened. One week they were fine and had plenty of honey and brood, the next week's check, it was mayhem.
Are you going to buy a package of bees in January or try to get a swarm?
Installed a new package of Saskatraz bees on Saturday evening.
It had been raining all day, and was cold and windy; like every other time we've gotten our package bees installed.
Putting sugar syrup on them to install them in that cold made us (my husband and I) worry we might have killed them.
But I checked them today:
The new bees are making comb crazy fast. I saw eggs but couldn't locate the queen as it's another windy day out today...
They were bringing in some bright pink pollen.
These bees went into the regular Langstroth hive.

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