Who Keeps Bees and Poultry?

My husband made me a Long Langstroth hive for my birthday in November, but we just put the finishing touches on this week.
I have to paint it and move it, and then I'll take updated pictures.


What kind did you get and where?
2 three pound packages of Italians. These will be my first bees ever!! Im both excited and terrified 😂. Just goes against all my instincts to intentionally shake an angry colony of bees, and yet, thats kind of why im excited😂. Does that make any sense because I don't think it does:lol:. Anyways, I will post pictures when it all happens. My neighbor is an EXTREMELY experienced beekeeper. He learned beekeeping working with killer bees in Africa so this is no big deal for him😂. I got them from a company called Snoqualmie Valley Bee Company. I think they only do local stuff though.

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