Who knows but it’s fun to guess


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
So our first little flock turned 4 weeks old yesterday. Apparently they could be any combination of Brahma/Cochin/Bielefelder/Marans/barnsvelder/salmon faverolles.
I know it’s too soon to tell what sex they are but my husband and I have had fun guessing along the way. I’ll update this thread each week from here on out to document their changes. Let’s see what everyone thinks so far.
We call Gwen top bird. ‘She’ seems to have a handle on everything going on in the brood box. We’ve suspected her to be a hen from the start, she started feathering out first and is the biggest of our motley crew.


Our little train wreck chicken. Robbie is definitely our favorite. I keep tormenting my husband Robbie will be a house chicken, and have already looked up chicken diapers on Etsy. Robbie started life out normal, then at about day 10 he went wobbly, lethargic and just not thrifty. After a week of stress aid and some TLC, this ‘forever chick’ made a comeback and hasn’t looked back. He’s so much smaller than the others but so full of life and just precious. Gwendolyn is protective of Robbie and has been by his side from day 1. We won’t be keeping any roosters so I pray Robbie is a Roberta, but if not he will go to live with our niece and inherit his own flock of ladies.


This beauty is named after my mama who passed away in November, so praying she’s a she! Her little personality has really blossomed and she demands to be held and snuggle on my arm. She’s the whole package, looks and personality. And has the prettiest feathered feet!

This quiet little one doesn’t stand out at all. Very passive, just keeps to herself but seems strong and healthy. Doesn’t seem to party with the rest of them, just lays low and stays out of the way of the rest of the very strong personalities. Didn’t even want to be photographed!

and last but not least...
Don’t judge us by the name, when he first came home he had poo stuck to the back of his head so it became a nick name but it literally just stuck, and he has definitely grown into the name! We strongly suspect this trouble maker to be a roo. Assertive, bossy, nosey and by times ‘aggressive’. Let’s just say a very strong personality. He will rush our hand and bump it with his chest as soon as we reach into the box. Seems to square off with Gwendolyn a lot.

So that’s our little flock, what do you all think? And guesses yet? Questions or comments? Thanks for playing along!
Lizabeth looks like my Mustang Sally and Princess! I'm new to the chicken game but the addiction has been turned on. I'm on my 5th round of chick's😬😜.... and 1 duck and 1 goose😊🥰View attachment 2182940
Mustang Sally is beautiful - and I love the name!!! And omg addiction? You aren’t kidding! Chicken math is real, it’s serious and I’m afflicted. 🤣
my husband is the duck man. I got chickens for my 40th bday, next year is his 40th, I am already planning on having a ducky surprise for him when he gets home that day! 😏

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