Who oh WHY is she cackling like a hen??????


Canning Squirrel
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
Floresville, Texas
Alright, I went out to lock up my chickies for the night and I hear a distinct "I am laying an egg" cackle. I KNOW my girls don't lay that late and besides had all the expected eggs for the day anyway. Thought one of my big girls was just being cute. I walk in the door and one of my 11 week old BLRW was sitting on her waterer cackling like a big girl. I have never seen this in one so young. These are HUGE babies. The little roo is not much smaller than my adult hens. The girls are a touch smaller but not far behind and already getting a touch of red in their combs. I am really worried they are growing up way too fast. Is this a possibility or is she just copying the big girls????
A couple of my RIR crosses started doing that at the same time. I have no clue what it means, but they're fine now, and everyone is doing it! They began laying at 16 weeks, 3 days.
Hmmmmm....so they were certainly on the early side of laying age, too, huh, but at least they didn't lay this young!!! I was almost afraid to look in the coop in fear of finding a tiny little egg. LOL It is just so strange to see your baby act that way!!!!
LOL....I know *sniff* it seems like only yesterday she was in diapers. *sniff*

Alright, I AM kidding....she never wore diapers!!! Just hung out in my bathroom forever!!! LOL
I got a surprise one night. I work graveyard. I usually collect the eggs in the eve. I was late one night about 8pm when I went out to get the eggs. When I was leaving for work about an hour later I just happened to look in the nest boxes and there was another egg.

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