Who or what is this little chick?

Karen Sal

May 31, 2017
This little guy showed up out of no where in my backyard being chased by my dog and cat. Someone suggested it is a bantam chicken. I have never seen a chicken older than a couple weeks. Who is this?
What is an EE mix? I know next to nothing about chickens. I raise Japanese quail for eggs and as pets. Of course, now that I know my hubby is allergic to the eggs and meat (had one for dinner that broke her neck due to a freak thunder blast) I am seriously considering adding 1 or 2 chickens for him.
From the green legs it loos like an EE mix, possibly only 4 weeks old since it appears to have baby down on it's head. From the head coloring and eye liner I would guess female.:confused:

p.s. So glad you rescued it! no doubt it has escaped from it's home. Someone in your neighborhood should be looking for it
Are you saying that EE males don't have eye liner? Is it a reasonable indicator? I need to go check the brooder for eyeliner!
What is an EE mix? I know next to nothing about chickens. I raise Japanese quail for eggs and as pets. Of course, now that I know my hubby is allergic to the eggs and meat (had one for dinner that broke her neck due to a freak thunder blast) I am seriously considering adding 1 or 2 chickens for him.

EE is an Easter Egger. It's a cross of an Americauna.

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