Who pm'ed me about duck eggs?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I listed an auction on the 24 hour auction thread a few weeks ago. Someone pm'ed me about listing more. My ducks had quit laying a few days after I changed their feed, but have started laying again. I don't remember who it was that wanted these eggs!! Please pm me again!!

Thanks so much!
what kind of ducks do you have?

im not the one who pm'd you. but i've been looking for some duck eggs!
I have rouens, pekins and cayugas. They are all running together, funds have been low, and I wasn't able to seperate them like I had wanted to.
I actually just listed some on the auction thread that someone else was supposed to be getting. They were unable to, and these are all packed up. Shipping is usually about $8 for bigger eggs. There are 6 eggs in that bunch. You can bid however much you want on those, as they have to be sent out tomorrow.

Next bunch would be available after Monday of next week. I've been getting 2 eggs a day, so it would be 2 a day starting Tuesday. Just let me know how many you would want. $1 per egg, plus shipping. I won't go over 5 or 6 days though, to make sure they are fresh.

I have 10 birds total, 2 pair of pekin, 1 pair of cayuga, and one pair of rouens, with 2 more rouen drakes. So there is a very good possibility of getting pure breeds from these. The cayuga and 1 pekin are laying right now, and the cayuga pair stick together exclusively. Well, she is only bred by him, he takes care of her, and any others he can catch

Some of my ducks...

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