Who wants to play a game? 20-five weeks.

Sorry. I see alot of cussing so i didn't think twice about it. If you read my post i said they were all mixes. They all have the same EE dad. His mom is a BCM. So yes, he has BCM in him. Very much alot of it too, lol.
Yes he looks very much like one that I had.😊
You shouldn’t see too much cussing on BYC it supposed to be a family friendly forum and there are kids as young as 12 and 13 on this site.😊
Ah. Then I take back my cockerel guess, that blue must be a pullet.
Well, ya know.. now i may be second guessing myself. Maybe this one is an odd ball Marans mix with very little BCM features. Her beak does seem to be darker like the Ms as opposed to the "for sure" BR babies. Her darker rimmed feather pattern is almost identical to the suspected grey Ms girl. That one doesn't have feet feathers either, unlike the rest. Maybe that other grey looking suspected pullet is the BR girl and i just didn't notice her color changing. Maybe i got em mixed up? Ill have to get out all my hatching notes. I described them all when they hatched.
Suspected grey girl. I say this because the only grey chicks came from the Morans and Barred Rock eggs. It doesn't resemble the other Morans mixes much. If it was a BR baby, sexlinking confirms its a girl. But wouldn't it have barring???
^^I think this will be a pullet, really seems compact legs seem small and comb seems pale and small
This one is such a sweetheart. Very "famine."
^^Also think this will be a pullet for the same reasons as the one above
Ope! I lied. Here's another Morans mix.
^^ Tnis one could very well be a cockerel, but its hard to tell, if its standing up straight a lot and has big legs then it is very much likely to be a cockerel
Iffy. Slightly larger pinker comb than the other two white siblings.
^^Iffy has me thinking pullet, but with that slightly pink comb it could very well be a cockerel
3rd white sibling. Suspected pullet?
^^This one screams pullet to me
Another suspected pullet..
^^I get the feeling this one is possibly a cockerel just because the posture, but don't quote me on it.
Suspected roo? It's quite mischievous too.
^^This one I am thinking cockerel but without better pictures of the standing posture and the legs its hard to tell.
Another suspected roo. All my "suspicions" are based on their personalities, actions, and body language too.
^^This one would surprise me if it was a pullet, definitely screams cockerel to me.
This one's a mystery.
^^I definitely think this one is a pullet, doesnt have cockerel posture and legs are not very thick
Another mystery.. absent comb for now.
^^Also a pullet, does not have the tell tale signs of a cockerel
This little odd puff ball is a mystery too.
^^And again this one I think is a pullet it has small legs and a compact posture. though that could change as it grows.
^^I think this will be a pullet, really seems compact legs seem small and comb seems pale and small

^^Also think this will be a pullet for the same reasons as the one above

^^ Tnis one could very well be a cockerel, but its hard to tell, if its standing up straight a lot and has big legs then it is very much likely to be a cockerel

^^Iffy has me thinking pullet, but with that slightly pink comb it could very well be a cockerel

^^This one screams pullet to me

^^I get the feeling this one is possibly a cockerel just because the posture, but don't quote me on it.

^^This one I am thinking cockerel but without better pictures of the standing posture and the legs its hard to tell.

^^This one would surprise me if it was a pullet, definitely screams cockerel to me.

^^I definitely think this one is a pullet, doesnt have cockerel posture and legs are not very thick

^^Also a pullet, does not have the tell tale signs of a cockerel

^^And again this one I think is a pullet it has small legs and a compact posture. though that could change as it grows.
Its kinda hard to judge their posture and stance right now really. They're all about the same when they're content, and all about the same when they're alert. Atleast when they're outside. In the brooder the two BR boys and the large Marans (suspected) boy. Those 3 definitely give off rooster vibes in the brooder. They're the perky alert ones with noises. They're starting to get a little feisty too, trying to flog when you stick your hand down in there.

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