Whoo Hoo! We have chickens, they make me happy!


6 Years
Jul 4, 2013
I grew up in a rural area but since I was married I have lived in the suburbs. I have 1/3 acre and our city just passed ordinances so I can have chickens. I have 5 chickens I raised from baby chicks, and I go and sit in their coop area and talk with them and observe them daily. My kids love them and my husband has been very supportive and is enjoying them also. I have 5 varieties, all sweet personalities and winter hardy since I live where we have cold winters. My favorite thing I loved to do with them when they were small was to hold them on their backs and rub their tummies, they relaxed and went to sleep immediately, now their just to big to hold that way. I will love to have the forum to help me along my chicken path, so thanks BYC!
Welcome to BYC from California wine country in the Western Sierra Foothills. :frow

My flock makes ME happy, too! Time spent watching and interacting with them just melts anything in my head away whilst they do their chicken-y things. Didn't you love it when itty-bitty chicks did the Scratch Dance like Big Chickens or got the Zoomies to run around crazily in short bursts. The Zoomies are contagious, too.

Nothing in the world can make me smile as easily as a fluffy hen running by On A Mission.
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Greetings from Kansas, sweetwheat, and
! Pleased you joined us! Glad you are able to enter the wonderful world of chickens! Best wishes!
Hello Sweetwheat,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm a chicken "newbie," too! I somewhat foolishly purchased 19 chicks from my local "Tractor Supply Company" store this spring, only to find out later that three chickens are usually sufficient to supply a family of four...and I live alone! The township gave me some grief at first, but I then informed the township supervisor that I was invoking the "Michigan Right to Farm Act," and as a disabled veteran, also had a letter from my counselor at the V.A., stating that my raising chickens would be very therapeutic to my sense of well-being, as well as inductive to my recovery from post traumatic stress disorder...he hung up on me!

So, the best of luck to you and your "chicks,"...

With every good wish, I remain,

Senior Master Chief
P. J. Anderson
U.S. Navy, Retired

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