Whooping Cough!

Oh I feel for you and hope you are better soon! My DD had that when she was 16 or 17 (can't remember). Dr's didn't know what it was at first. Tried antibiotics and various cough medications but nothing worked. They finally said it was pertussis (and yes, she was also up to date on her vaccinations but it had worn off).

I have to say she was absolutely miserable for months.

Hope you get over it quickly and feel better soon -
Oh wow! I had heard that it was on the rise. I hope that you feel better soon!
My DD had it two years ago. Got it from my mom who had a cough for 3 months that wouldn't go away and "don't need to go to the Dr.'s for it" attitude. DD had also been boostered for it 7 months before she got it!
whooping cough and polio were what the CDC called cured..meaning that there were no new cases in X amount of years reported to them...what we are seeing now may be a mutated strain of the virus. the WHO (world health org) said a few years ago that because people abuse anitbiotics (not taking them corectly,not finishing thier meds, sharing meds, ect) that we are likely to see many viruses/diseases that were "cured" resurface...

the most important thing to do is remember proper hand washing. cover your cough, did I say handwashing?...lol..
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My sister had a case of whooping cough last year. She didn't know what she had and by the time she finally found out what it was and was treated for it, her lungs were damaged. Besides that, she developed a weak bladder muscle, or something like that and has to have surgery to tighten up the muscles in that area. It has gotten to the point that every little cough meant "time to change the depends".

She works in a bank that caters to the adult living communities. Her doctor told her that a lot of the older folks that are vaccinated end up carriers and spread germs and bacteria with drool and such.

Like the other poster said "wash your hands a lot".
Wow, I really hope you feel better soon. Unfortunately, whooping cough has reared its' ugly head again here in the US. One reason is because illegals that come into our country do not get vaccinated properly and this disease is all too common in Mexico. They come into the US and bring germs with them. Soon, everyone will be ordered to be vaccinated for whooping cough again.
My sister had Pertussis when she was really little. The coughing was so bad. She almost sounded like a seal barking
After seeing that and with all my schooling (nursing) I would say make sure to keep on your vaccinations, I had to get DTP when I started school.

I hope you feel better soon. I know how scary it can be.
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Please, oh, please, do not use the fact that I am sick to mouth off about "illegals!" That's just awful. I've got a disease caused by germs, not by "illegals."

How would you like it if another country passed laws that killed off your economy and then made it "illegal" for you to go work anywhere else to support your children!?

Just about everybody in this country is descended from one or more "illegals" who dodged the Tsar's draft in Russia, the potato famine in Ireland, etc, the persecution of Catholics by Protestants or Protestants by Catholics . . .

Do NOT use the fact that I am sick to further rile everyone up about the plight of the hardest-working people in the U.S.A., many of whom are my patients, and all of whom deserve the same darned antibiotics as you!

If you really care about sharing germs with others who work or learn alongside you, then vote to extend health benefits to them, rather than driving hard-working people underground. Secrecy and stupid, shortsighted, anti-immigrant laws cause illness to thrive- and ignorance, too.

Disease is caused GERMS, not by "Illegals." Or do you not believe in germs? What century IS this?!


edited for my usual rotten typng which only gets worse when I am hot under the collar!
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I'm simply stating a growing problem that we have in TX. Whooping cough is tripling in cases recently, mostly caused by illegals coming into our country. I'm not starting a "political battle over illegals", I'm stating what is going on here. Hope you feel better.

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