Who's attending the Stockton, CA show?

There were 3 people I met briefly (sorry I can't remember the names) who had nametags with their given name and their online username. SO smart! We were talking about definitely doing nametags next time - probably with Avatars as well.

Maybe we need some more icebreakers at our next norcal meet.

That sounds fun...What kind of things do you have in mind?​
Hey Emily,

The people with nametags were Me, Lynn and Lori (Skeeter9). We got them at the CA Chickens meeting. But nametags are definitely a good thing, especially when you are too shy to talk to people like me,lol.

Paul, which one were you? Were you one of the two guys in the back? lol. We all tried to figure out who you were! We'll definitely have to be more talkative next time, but Stockton is the only show I can attend, as I cant drive yet and my parents wont go further than that. It was fun though!
It was so fun meeting everyone and finally putting faces to names! And such a variety of interests, jobs and chicken situations - it's so nice to see how such diverse interests can get along and bond over chickens. Maybe we should buy all the world leaders chickens!

OEGBman, I'm sorry we didn't get to meet. I was looking foward to meeting you because I always enjoy your posts. Maybe next time. By the way, when is next time? Are there any other shows that happen in North or Central CA or is this pretty much it? If there's something else, we'll be there!
Hey Lizardz,

I totally agree! There is so much diversity on backyardchickens.com Rural, suburban, and city folk coming all together. Seeing chickens at the alameda county fair and reading up on BYC forums is what gave me the courage to purchase our first two pullets.


I thought the name/avatar introduction was a great start! Although i forgot everybody's name like two seconds afterwards. Nametags would definitely be a great thing next time. As for other ice breakers, maybe just saying a hobby, job, unanswered chicken question. Something to give more background info for people we dont know. That way it's easier to strike up a conversation

And the lunch idea was great but scooter and i were starving since we didn't have a breakfast so ran off early. Is the fair always in stockton? Maybe we could research a good location beforehand for next time. Or a potluck...the weather was nice yesterday. we could have all ate outside or something. Could that be a possibility for Alameda County Fair?

I also think a staffed booth would be a great addition for future events. I've volunteered at booths for other types of events. You get to meet all kinds of interesting people and promote chickens. I found most of the other club booths to be a tad intimidating. Mainly b/c they were so focused. Even though I love my Buff Orpington, I dont think i'm ready to join an orpington only club. I think BYC could win over alot of converts if there was a booth. I know i'd volunteer an hour or two to staff.

Thx for all the work
There's a show coming up in February in Fresno that I'm planning to attend. It won't be as big as Stockton, of course, but should still be fun.

Jordan, you didn't describe yourself accurately (aside from the shy part, which sort of surprises me, but is one of those "internal" traits that isn't for me to describe). But I would describe you as, "The boy with the kind eyes & nice smile." It was great to see you again!

I didn't spend too much time chatting with BYC members, as I was over at California Chickens for a bit & then busy tracking down some chickens, plus I had my 5 yo daughter in tow. I did manage to snag a fab t-shirt, though. Thanks, Rob! Chellester, your rooster's fitting right in, and looks beautiful in our run. Thank you!


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