Who's been hurt making their coop/run?

dogginfox said:
When cutting out a wall of my Aluminum shed/Coop with a sawzall i slit the top of my right forearm down to the bone, and lost so much blood in the process i passed out on the bathroom floor. Now I have a wonderful scar to remind me of that day forever.

Ok... if there were a prize ...you win! Owwwwwiiieeeee!!!!!!​
I can add my hubby to the list. He was hanging a screen door inside the coop and was trying to trim off some of the frame near the floor using a box cutter. Needless to say, the cutter slipped and headed straight for the hand he had resting on the floor. He wasn't even aware he hit his hand at first. He saw blood dripping and wondered what happened. Then he saw his hand and headed inside to the kitchen sink. He yelled to me asking for a couple bandaids.

I sighed and said what did you do now! He said he cut his hand. I walked over to the sink and he wouldn't let go of his hand under the water. I had to pull his hand away. He put a huge gash in the fatty part of his palm, down below his thumb. If he let go it would open really wide and bleed like crazy. I told him he needed a hospital, not a bandaid. Thankfully, the ER was empty and he got in pretty quick. But the way he was bleeding, you would have thought he cut the hand completely off!

It took some irrigating, 7 stitches, a nice big bandage and some pain meds before we could head home! He couldn't go back to working on the coop for 10 days. He still has a nice scar there and it has affected his range of motion for his thumb, even after a year.

Other than that, we have had lots of minor boo-boos. My latest one was misjudging the side of the new doorway we were making in a run and I plowed right into a corner of a 2x4 and some chickenwire. Put a big scrape and puncture holes down the outside of my left arm. There has been lots of cuts/scratches from chickwire, smashed fingers, back aches, carpal tunnel from painting...but its all worth it in the end!
I never have been hurt while building a coop and run. I am constantly reminded of the short door that I made to one of my coops everytime I knock my head on the framing. SHORT DOOR........what was I thinking?
i really want to see this one!!! let me know when you post pics...

no injuries here...hubby won't let me near any tools...however, i do get 100% of the upkeep after all is said and done...works for me:D
Hahaha, I too made a 4ft door going into my juvie run. Everyone in my family has bonked their head on the top of the door frame and I usually hear "Ugh, who made this dang doorway anyways???" (including me lol) Of course everyone knows it was me and my DD, but they don't complain to us lol. It looks cute, but it really isn't practical.
hey im 6'3" shed dorrs are 6' my coop dorrs are 5 tp 6' i have a bald head no cushion so i always have scraps on my head you think after 2 years i would leanr to duck . nope not yet so now i have a orange hard hat you can see a mile down the road my grandson thinks its cool so he has hardhat too.
i really want to see this one!!! let me know when you post pics...

no injuries here...hubby won't let me near any tools...however, i do get 100% of the upkeep after all is said and done...works for me:D

The reason Hubby won't let you near power tools is this: I've cut my
thumb off with a Rockwell table saw, they put it back on and it works
well. I also cut the tip of my left little finger with the same saw. I don't
have that table saw any more. Nuff said about that. Circular saw?
3 times its got me in the leg, hand and arm. Need I go farther?
I've been in the construction business for 30years. If you do it long
enough you will loose a digit or a hand. Do we need to discuss this
If anyone has figured this out, Virginbred is my wife. I like all her hands
and various pieces as they are. I'll leave it at that. Its self explanatory.
Just by sheer volume of what I do, an accident is bound to happen. Its
not a big deal unless you make it such.
Lay off the power tools Ginger. I love my wife with all her parts.
Continue on forum, just a little personal stuff.
Now............how bout them geese and chickens?
HAHA! This is where I bonked my head. Short door, yup! I took out that piece of wood & raised it to a little over 6'. I wasn't about to let that happen again, rofl!

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