Who's Hatching Ducks? Hatch With Us!! *Page 3*

OK, I am back on the hatch watch. I have 20 runner duck eggs in the hatcher. NONE of them will be early like the last ones. As a matter of fact, these all seem to be a bit behind, which is odd since they were incubated in the same machine, same temperature and same humidity. They are due to hatch Monday. There is movement at this point in all but six, but those six are VERY densly black, so I am not sure if they are bad or more close to hatching. Guess time will tell. So, I am with the rest of you again. I hate this part!!

Two more of the duckies from last week went to their new home today. One of them stood and looked right at the woman and when he cocked his head at her, there was NO WAY he wasn't going home with her. LOL. Those ducklings are smart that way. They are born with the "love me, I'm cute" gene!!!
I Live in Los Banos California. And definetly
They sure do, dont they!!!

I have a friend who is so city she didn't know how a cow turned into beef...and she actually asked me when they do that!!

She is so city... anyhow, she came over when I had brand-spankin new duckies and goslings hatched...and she about cried!!! She didn't even freak out when she got poo'ed on!

Now all she talks about is getting a house in the country so she can have ducks and geese !

Just wait till she gets my old incubators when she finishes buying her house in the country...she WILL be corrupted!

Anyhow..back to topic...9 ancona duck eggs in the hatcher...due tomorrow...no pips, no rocking, no peeping, no action, and I am trying my darndest not to open the hatcher this time...other than to turn the goose eggs lol.
So, barnwife, your anconas and my runners seem to be on the same wavelength...due at the same time, neither acting very anxious. We'll sit on our hands together.

You know, I was born a suburban kid and they taught us in SCHOOL where beef comes from. I just CHOOSE to believe that it comes from the Beef Tree.

I had an ex-boyfriend/turned best friend come to visit the other night, all dressed up. He doesn't own animals, but he had duckies all over his fancy clothes and was baby talking to them. TOTALLY out of character.
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Ok - I have one blue goose, one lavender goose, one pilgrim goose. I sent one embden goose home with people yesterday. And I have two white runners and one SILVER runner. I really like that silver runner. My computer is not working so I have to use my son's homeschool computer which doesn't have my camera software - so no pics until my new RAM comes in a few days.

Saxony ducks are due to hatch Tuesday - Wednesday and calls next weekend. After that I am loading up the bators with call eggs.

Total hatching count so far is:
3 buff geese -gave away to Farmerlor
1 blue goose - keeping
1 lavender goose - keeping
1 Pilgrim goose - maybe keeping
1 embden goose - sold yesterday
1 mixed runner - selling today
1 black runner - selling today
4 white runners - selling 2 today
1 silver runner - keeping
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Still just getting the incubator set up for ducks. What is coming: Indian Runner eggs, Khaki Campbell eggs, mixed ducks and mixed geese.
Saxonys!!! I would love to get some of those one day.
I have pips!!

I pipped the membrane and decided to quit on me. phooey on him/her. She/he will now reside in the middle of the garden I made just for the poultry to raid
feeding the future! Waste not, want not...

the other eight are pipped, one is zipping ! YAY! They've been working all day, its a tragedy they don't want to see the world yet.
Silly ancona duckies...still keeping to themselves. My temp dropped last night (stupid rain storm knocked it down for awhile)

while I was asleep and AAAK!!

two more dead...six left, fighting strongly.

I am incubating wild mallard eggs . I saw the Hen chased off her nest by a redtailed hawlk. A second hawlk joined the first and they killed her. I looked under the bush from were she had come to find a nest with 12 eggs. I scooped them up and drove to buy an incubator. They have been in for 10 days. They look completely full now. At first I could see veins and the eggs were about 2/3 full. Now they are all dark when candeled. Is this what they should look like. I have been misting them and turning them. I stopped turning them when they looked completely full two days ago. We had a power outage during a storm. It was less then two hours before the power was restored. I had gone to the store to buy a power converter for the cigerette lighter which i did find in the computer department. I was about to carry the whole incubator out to the car when the power came back on. Are the eggs all dark at the end of the hatch or are they dead duckies. Like I said it was less then two hours whithout power.

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